London’s proposed sign by-law is overbroad: it should focus solely on harmful, graphic, anti-abortion images

For immediate release

(London, Ontario) – The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) has grave concerns regarding the city of London’s proposed by-law entitled “Advocacy Message Sign By-law” (pgs. 99 – 106).

On August 2, 2022, Civic Administration was “directed to prepare a by-law amending the Streets By-law (S-1) to regulate the display of graphic images in the City of London” (pg. 99). The proposed by-law cited above is overbroad and does nothing to address the display of graphic, anti-abortion images in public.

Instead, the proposed by-law targets the display of all “non-commercial, portable, temporary “advocacy Message Signs,” otherwise known as protest, demonstration signs” (pg. 100).

In regard to the upcoming public participation meeting (PPM), ARCC urges the Community and Protective Services Committee to draft a motion to amend the proposed by-law to make it specific to signs displaying graphic anti-abortion images, and to exempt all other advocacy signs.

“We do NOT want to restrict advocacy signs in general; that has been our position from the beginning,” said Deanna Ronson, a local London activist and Board Director for ARCC. “We have no issue with union protest signs, Climate Emergency protest signs, Women’s March signs, etc. Those signs do not cause harm to pedestrians and drivers. We know that large, graphic images of alleged aborted fetuses (including those less than the maximum allowed size of 2.5’x3’) are traumatizing to women and people capable of pregnancy, as well as children and those suffering from PTSD.”

In the City of London’s Strategic Plan, there is a concerted focus on “Creating a Safe London for Women and Girls.” ARCC believes that a PPM will demonstrate the grievous harm that Londoners, particularly women, have suffered from graphic anti-abortion images. We request a by-law that will protect all Londoners from further harm.

“We recommend a sign by-law that will restrict the size of graphic anti-abortion signs to 3.5”x5”, which will still allow the forced-birthers to display their images, while having minimal visual impact on passersby,” said Ronson.

Contact:  Deanna Ronson, Board Director, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, 519-868-7187

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