Media articles about reproductive rights / Articles de presse sur les droits reproductifs

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Facebook bloque les liens vers les actualités au Canada, c’est pourquoi nous compilons ces articles ici. Les articles les plus récents sont en haut.


La ministre de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, de passage en Estrie

Jean Arel, Radio-Canada
7 février 2025
La ministre de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, a rencontré, vendredi matin, plusieurs intervenantes de l’Estrie venant en aide aux femmes victimes de violence conjugales ou confrontées à une grossesse indésirée. Le but : discuter des besoins qui se font sentir sur le terrain.

Je viens les écouter, elles me donnent des idées, moi je les prends et je vais donner suite de différentes façons, a expliqué Martine Biron après la discussion.

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Libres de choisir : aux premières lignes de l’avortement, à voir sur ICI RDI, ICI TOU.TV et ICI TÉLÉ
Publié le 4 février 2025
Réalisé par Julie Boisvert et Élise Ekker-Lambert, le documentaire Libres de choisir : aux premières lignes de l’avortement offre un accès inédit à la réalité d’intervenantes qui protègent ce droit au Canada, et présente de puissants témoignages de femmes qui brisent le silence et l’isolement en racontant leur interruption de grossesse. Le film sera diffusé le mercredi 26 février à 20 h sur ICI RDI et sur ICI TOU.TV, ainsi que le samedi 8 mars à 22 h 30 sur ICI TÉLÉ.
Feb. 3, 2025
By Liz Renzetti, Special to the Star
Donald Trump has decided the world is a giant Monopoly board, filled with territories he can acquire even if he doesn’t land on them. How does he plan to gain Greenland, Panama, or Canada? By force? By trading a stack of Trump Bibles? Who knows?
What we do know is that Canadians have resisted his invitation to become the 51st state… Around 90 per cent of Canadians in a recent poll scorned the idea, for a variety of good reasons. But here’s one vital reason that I have not read much about: Why would Canadians want to join a nation where half the population does not have control over their bodily autonomy?
Opinion: The politics of women’s pain are inherently anti-woman

The politicization of menstruation and abortion proliferate women’s pain
By Shontia Sanders
Published February 2, 2025
The ‘politics of pain’ is a term in feminist theory that describes the politicization of women’s physical pain, particularly through imposing anti-woman ideologies and frameworks in the political and economic governance of menstruation and abortion.
Health minister calls on NDP to give Liberals more time to sign pharmacare deals
Sarah Ritchie, The Canadian Press
Jan 31, 2025
OTTAWA – Health Minister Mark Holland is calling on the federal NDP to give the Liberal government more time in power to sign bilateral deals on pharmacare.
“I would put it back to (NDP Leader) Jagmeet Singh … why are you in such a rush for an election? If pharmacare is the priority that you say it is, then why don’t you wait until October so that we can get the business of the nation done?” Holland told a news conference in Halifax, where he met with his provincial and territorial counterparts this week.
Study finds northern prisons lack abortion and contraception policies
Women and gender-diverse people the fastest growing demographic in Canada’s prisons, researchers say
Caitrin Pilkington · CBC News
Jan 31, 2025
Northern governments say all inmates have the opportunity to access reproductive health services, but some researchers and advocates say clearer policies are needed to reduce barriers.
Researchers with the University of New Brunswick conducted a systematic review of abortion and contraception policies across the country. The study, which was published in The Prison Journal last November, found many Canadian correctional facilities don’t have a formal mandate to ensure access to these services.
Droit à l’avortement au Québec : un combat toujours renouvelé?
Écueils et obstacles

30 janvier 2025
Alexandra Trautmann
Si le droit à l’avortement peut sembler acquis aux plus jeunes générations, de nombreuses Québécoises se souviennent d’un temps où la pratique était passible de poursuites, jusqu’à sa décriminalisation par la Cour suprême du Canada en 1988. État des lieux, près de 40 ans plus tard.

Au Québec, l’avortement est gratuit depuis 2006, sécuritaire et encadré par un ensemble de jurisprudences. Serait-il pour autant intouchable? Dans un contexte international incertain et un climat social mouvant, les professionnel(le)s et les patientes rapportent plusieurs écueils et dangers, y compris dans notre province.
Abortion rights activists speak out against ‘anti-choice’ ads in Metro Vancouver transit locations
By Ryan Bowles
January 30, 2025
The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) is speaking out against anti-choice ads appearing at Metro Vancouver transit stations.
The coalition’s message comes as commenters on a recent thread in the Reddit community r/vancouver expressed concerns over an increasing prevalence of anti-abortion ads popping up in Metro Vancouver.
B.C. abortion providers sound alarm over access, minister responds ‘fiercely’
By Penny Daflos
January 29, 2025
While abortion access has been the law of the land for decades, providers warn British Columbians have more challenges than ever accessing that health care, and funding challenges facing support agencies are likely to make access even harder.
Front-line providers and advocates describe patients travelling hours by car or plane to attend specialty clinics in Metro Vancouver, or struggling to find specially trained family doctors in their home communities to help manage their high-risk ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages and life circumstances leading them to seek termination of their pregnancy.

Rape survivor reaches settlement with TMU student union after she was barred from event over anti-abortion activism
In August 2017, the student filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, arguing she was a victim of discrimination based on her religious beliefs
Ari David Blaff
Jan 29, 2025 
A rape victim who was turned away from an event for sexual assault survivors at Toronto Metropolitan University due to her anti-abortion activism has reached settlements with the school and its student union.
Canadian abortion group says it may have to shutter after losing government funding
Hannah Alberga, The Canadian Press
Jan 28, 2025
A national group that helps people who have trouble accessing abortion services says it may be forced to shut down in several months after Health Canada declined to renew its funding for the upcoming year.
Abortion Care Canada says it had sought $1.3 million from the federal government’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund for the next fiscal year but will get nothing, despite having received about $2.2 million in total since the fund was established in 2021.

Students express concern over anti-abortion protests on campus
Graphic displays by anti-abortion groups seen at major campus intersections
By Asmi Khanna
Published January 27, 2025
U of T has seen a number of anti-abortion protests over the past few years, causing unease among some students and passersby.
In 2015, protesters at the intersection of St. George Street and Bloor Street drew attention with large banners depicting graphic and disturbing images of aborted fetuses. In 2022, protesters appeared at the University of Toronto Students’ Union Orientation, attempting to engage passersby in conversations advocating for abolishing abortion rights in Canada.


(This project is funded by Canada)
Empowering Women: Ethiopia’s drive to tackle unintended pregnancies, expand reproductive care
By Abraham Tekle
January 18, 2025
In a significant step toward improving women’s health and rights, Independent Physicians Associations (Ipas) has launched a groundbreaking seven-year project aimed at expanding access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for millions of women and girls in underserved communities.
The initiative, announced on January 14, by Ipas Ethiopia, is titled “Improving Access to Reproductive Health Information and Services to the Communities in Five Regions of Ethiopia.” It will focus on reaching over six million people across the Amhara, Central Ethiopia, Oromia, Tigray, and Benishangul Gumuz regions.


Remboursement des avortements dans le privé : fin de la poursuite contre Fredericton
13 janvier 2025
L’Association canadienne des libertés civiles (ACLC) a annoncé lundi qu’elle abandonne officiellement sa poursuite contre le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick.
En janvier 2021, l’organisme avait lancé un recours judiciaire contre Fredericton afin de forcer le gouvernement de Blaine Higgs à financer les cliniques privées qui pratiquent l’avortement chirurgical.

Legal challenge on N.B. abortion access is over
Canadian Civil Liberties Association officially drops lawsuit after November repeal of ban on clinic funding
CBC News
Jan 13, 2025
A lawsuit against the New Brunswick government over access to abortion is officially over. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has discontinued the legal action that was intended to force the province to fund procedural abortions in clinics outside hospitals.
The case was launched four years ago but became redundant on Nov. 7, when newly elected Premier Susan Holt announced her cabinet had repealed a section of a provincial regulation that prevented funding clinic abortions.

‘Vacuum of services’: B.C. sexual health clinics at risk of closure
Isabella Zavarise, CTV News Vancouver
Dec 30, 2024
One of Canada’s largest non-profit sexual health organizations is at risk of closing dozens of its clinics due to funding constraints.
Options for Sexual Health operates 52 clinics across B.C. Thirty are managed by the nonprofit, while the rest operate in partnership with other organizations.


Abortion is inaccessible for many of Canada’s Indigenous communities
The Canada Health Act guarantees access to abortion in theory, but the reality for Indigenous communities is that many barriers still exist.
by Seren Friskie,
December 26, 2024
For Indigenous people in Canada, accessing abortion is not only about medical care—it’s about asserting autonomy over our bodies amidst a healthcare system riddled with barriers, bias, and neglect. Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people, as well as the gender-diverse community, face a “double oppression”: one from the historical impacts of colonialism that continue to marginalize Indigenous communities, and another from the structural barriers and biases embedded within health services.

Dinner conversation with Angus McLaren could include the history of sexuality, film and jokes
Jesse McLaren and Arlene McLaren, Contributed to The Globe and Mail
December 26, 2024
Angus McLaren’s father was a jokester but his mother was institutionalized for depression. Angus inherited his father’s humour, and he learned early to have deep empathy for those like his mother whose lives were impacted by legal and medical institutions.

BC Clinics Supporting Reproductive Rights Face Closures
Options for Sexual Health says without more provincial funds it must cut services.
Michelle Gamage, The Tyee
December 23, 2024
Options for Sexual Health says it will have to close most of its operations unless the province immediately increases funding.
The organization offers sexual and reproductive health care, information and education from a feminist, pro-choice, sex-positive perspective, at 52 clinics across B.C., including 30 directly managed locations, and provides essential care for up to 15,000 people annually, according to a press release about its financial hardships. It has been a registered society since 1963.

Canada’s newest MP is an anti-abortion social conservative who promoted creation “science.” I blame Justin Trudeau for letting her in
Dec. 22, 2024
By Luke LeBrun, Contributor
As Justin Trudeau takes time over the holidays to contemplate his future as prime minister, right-wing forces are seizing the moment and riding a wave of anti-Trudeau sentiment into power. The victory of a hardline social conservative candidate in a federal byelection last week, on the same day as Chrystia Freeland abruptly resigned as Trudeau’s Finance Minister and Liberal MPs publicly called for their prime minister to step down, is the latest example of the right making gains at Trudeau’s expense.


Au nom du père, du fils et de la laïcité
Alexandra Soucy
19 decembre 2024
Le Parti conservateur du Canada arrive en tête des sondages en vue des élections de 2025. Si son chef, Pierre Poilievre, accède au pouvoir, sommes-nous assurés que le principe de laïcité sera respecté, spécialement pour résister aux lobbys religieux et concernant l’avortement ? N’en soyons pas si sûrs.

Depuis plusieurs semaines, le débat sur la place de la religion dans les institutions publiques refait surface au Québec avec le scandale de l’école Bedford. Les préoccupations sont réelles : les Québécois, attachés à la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État, estiment qu’il est de la responsabilité du gouvernement d’assurer la neutralité religieuse dans l’administration publique. Mais qu’en est-il au fédéral ?

New West to become first B.C. city restricting the delivery of graphic abortion images
Abortion-related flyers will need to be in opaque envelopes that have a warning and sender’s address when being distributed in New Westminster.
Theresa McManus
Dec 17, 2024
New Westminster is set to become the first B.C. city to adopt a bylaw restricting the delivery of graphic images.
On Monday, council unanimously supported a graphic image delivery bylaw that will regulate the unsolicited delivery of graphic abortion-related flyers to residences. The bylaw will require materials with graphic images to be delivered inside an opaque envelope that has a warning on the outside and information showing the name and address of the sender; the bylaw is specific to graphic images of aborted fetuses and does not apply to offensive graphic images in general.
La ministre Biron en tournée en Mauricie pour l’accès à l’avortement
Katy Cloutier, Charles-Antoine Boulanger
16 décembre 2024
La ministre responsable de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, était de passage ce lundi à Trois-Rivières dans le cadre d’une tournée des régions qui sert à présenter le plan d’action gouvernemental sur l’accès à l’avortement. Elle a notamment visité une maison d’hébergement, un centre des femmes et le Centre Le Pont en compagnie du ministre du Travail et responsable de la région de la Mauricie, Jean Boulet.

Conservatives decry ‘procedural nonsense’ as NDP forces House debate on abortion
Surprise move sidelines Conservative non-confidence motion
Kyle Duggan · The Canadian Press
Dec 05, 2024
A surprise tactical move by the NDP forced a debate in the House of Commons on abortion access Thursday, sidelining a Conservative motion designed to use NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh’s own words against him.
Just ahead of the time set for the Conservative motion to come up, NDP MP Heather McPherson changed the channel by launching into a debate on a foreign affairs committee report tabled in the House Thursday.


Abortion numbers in the NWT remain publicly undisclosed
Conservative candidate says she’s pro-choice, but rights group has labelled party as anti-choice based on voting history
Devon Tredinnick
Dec 5, 2024
The NWT Health and Social Services Authority will not release a breakdown of data on abortions performed through the Northern Operations for Women (NOW) Program, citing privacy concerns.
However, Joyce Arthur, the executive director for the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, maintained that withholding such information adds to the stigma surrounding abortion.

‘Your body, my choice’: American politics and the looming threat to reproductive freedoms in Canada
As nurses and scholars of health policy, we worry that Trump’s victory will embolden the anti-abortion movement in Canada, and pave way for policies that are detrimental to both women and other marginalized communities.
Dec 2, 2024
by Eberechukwu Peace Akadinma, Breanna Barker
Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 6 is deeply concerning to Canadian observers who fear the impact of his policies on Canada’s political landscape, especially regarding reproductive rights.

Montreal-based non-profit facilitates abortion pill access in 200 countries
Video: 2:47 minutes
By Johanie Bouffard
Posted December 1, 2024
Founded two decades ago, the Montreal-based non-profit Women on Web has helped over 100,000 people in 200 countries access the abortion pill where it’s banned or severely restricted.
The organization doesn’t operate in Canada, as abortion is a legal medical procedure in the country. However, they’ve seen four times as many requests from the U.S. following the presidential election and Donald Trump’s win.
What is abortion access like in the NWT?
Emily Blake
Thursday November 28, 2024
While many people face challenges accessing healthcare in the North, advocates say a program is helping people access reproductive choice and abortion services in the NWT.
The Northern Options for Women (or Now) Program has existed for more than a decade. The confidential program offers pregnancy options counselling, ultrasound evaluation, abortion services, prescriptions for birth control after abortions, and referral to other support services to people experiencing unwanted or abnormal pregnancies and miscarriages.

Canadian non-profit that facilitates abortion pill access sees surge in U.S. requests
By Hannah Alberga, The Canadian Press
November 27, 2024
A Canadian non-profit that helps women obtain the abortion pill in countries with restrictions says it saw a fourfold increase in U.S. requests after the presidential election.
The majority of inquiries came from women who were not pregnant, suggesting many want the drug on hand in case they need it, says Venny Ala-Siurua, executive director of Women on Web.


Quebec petition for free contraception gathers record-breaking support
Minister says women generally bear the highest contraceptive costs
CBC News
Nov 26, 2024
A petition calling on the Quebec government to grant free access to all contraceptive methods has garnered nearly 100,000 signatures, far surpassing any petition so far this session.
The petition was presented Tuesday afternoon in the Red Room of the National Assembly by Québec Solidaire MNA Ruba Ghazal.

De passage dans la région, Martine Biron fait le point sur l’accès à l’avortement
Émile Lapointe
25 novembre 2024
La ministre de la Condition féminine du Québec, Martine Biron, a présenté la stratégie du gouvernement provincial sur l’accès à l’avortement alors qu’elle était de passage au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, lundi.
Une semaine après l’annonce du nouveau Plan d’action gouvernemental sur l’accès à l’avortement, elle a rencontré des députés et des groupes de femmes de la région.

Advocate, Fredericton MP comments on abortion future in N.B. after ban repeal
By Katherine Del Salto
November 25, 2024
On Nov. 7, recently elected New Brunswick Premier Susan Holt repealed Regulation 84-20, the legal restriction that limited the public funding for procedural abortions outside of hospitals.
…“We believe, in terms of comprehensive health care, all options should be available to people. People should have the choice if they want a medical abortion or a procedural abortion,” said Tracy Glynn, Canada Health Coalition director of operations and projects and founder of Reproductive Justice NB.

Jusqu’à 5 semaines de délai: des femmes témoignent du manque d’accès à l’avortement à Québec

Léa Martin
22 novembre 2024
À Québec, des femmes doivent attendre parfois cinq semaines pour se faire avorter. Ce délai incite certaines d’entre elles à mettre un terme à leur grossesse ailleurs dans la province. Témoignages.

En mars 2021, après avoir contacté la clinique de planification des naissances du Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval (CHUL), Noémie doit patienter cinq semaines pour subir un avortement.

Le droit à l’avortement protégé… mais pas garanti

La ministre Martine Biron a su tenir compte des critiques soulevées par sa proposition de déposer un projet de loi pour protéger le droit à l’avortement. Reste à voir si la mise en œuvre de celui-ci sera entravée par la rigueur budgétaire.
Christine St-Pierre
21 novembre 2024
La publication d’un plan d’action gouvernemental sur l’accès à l’avortement par la ministre de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, a reçu un accueil des plus favorables lundi. Surtout, le dossier démontre qu’elle a fait ses devoirs, après un faux pas initial. C’est tout à son honneur.

Abortion care is a provincial and federal election issue
Resurfaced pro-life comments from an incumbent Nova Scotia MLA leave voters wondering if they should worry about their abortion rights.
By Brendyn Creamer, The Coast
November 20, 2024
The topic of abortion rights has entered the provincial political conversation, as Nova Scotia’s NDP have called out the PC Party for allowing a pro-life incumbent to run for their party.
The NSNDP has accused incumbent MLA John Lohr of being anti-abortion, citing a 2018 interview he did with RightNow, a right-wing anti-abortion group, where he said he wants the federal government to restrict abortion rights nationwide. “I would like to see the federal government put parameters around abortion,” said the Kings North MLA in the interview. He continued, “I don’t like that there are no laws around how late an abortion can happen in Canada. I understand that there are people in the PC Party who are pro-choice, but I would personally support pro-life initiatives.”
Le poids de l’ombre américaine
Julie Gillet, Francopresse
le Mercredi 20 novembre 2024
Podcast : 6:21 minutes
CHRONIQUE – La réélection de Donald Trump aux États-Unis n’a rien d’un coup de théâtre. Ce n’est pas tant un choc qu’un sombre pressentiment qui se confirme, la cristallisation de nos pires craintes. La preuve que les divisions, la polarisation et les discours décomplexés n’étaient pas qu’une phase temporaire.
Le retour de Trump au pouvoir s’impose comme une nouvelle pierre à l’édifice d’un discours populiste sans filtre qui brouille toujours plus les lignes entre le débat d’idées et la division des sociétés.

Accès à l’avortement : un plan d’action bienvenue pour l’Abitibi-Ouest
Mardi 19 novembre 2024
Podcast : 12 minutes
La ministre responsable de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, a annoncé lundi le lancement d’un plan d’action pour renforcer le droit à l’avortement au Québec.
Pour Joannie Boivin, intervenante au Centre de femmes l’Érige, à La Sarre, ce plan est bienvenu. Il pourrait permettre de faciliter l’accès à l’avortement pour les femmes de la région d’Abitibi-Ouest.
En Abitibi-Ouest, l’option que la majorité des femmes ont pour avoir recours à un avortement c’est de se déplacer à la clinique de planning des naissances à Rouyn-Noranda. Donc, ça amène les femmes à devoir faire plus de 100 km de voiture pour pouvoir avoir des services.

« Moins de barrières » pour l’avortement avec le nouveau plan d’action du gouvernement
Lundi 18 novembre 2024
Podcast : 6 minutes
La directrice générale de la Clinique des femmes de l’Outaouais, Patricia LaRue, accueille favorablement le choix du gouvernement québécois de miser sur un plan d’action plutôt que sur un projet de loi pour protéger l’accès à l’avortement. Elle parle des défis propres à la région de l’Outaouais pour fournir des services et de la nécessité de combattre les mythes qui persistent.

Quebec aims to boost access to abortion pills, clinics
MONTREAL – Quebec wants to improve access to abortion services as part of a new plan to counter what the government describes as an erosion of women’s rights around the world.
Nov. 18, 2024
By Maura Forrest The Canadian Press
MONTREAL – Quebec wants to improve access to abortion services as part of a new plan to counter what the government describes as an erosion of women’s rights around the world.
Martine Biron, Quebec’s minister for the status of women, described the government’s $7.5-million plan, published Monday morning, as a bulwark against threats to reproductive rights from south of the border. She said one-third of Canadian women will have an abortion during their lifetime.

Quebec launches action plan to improve access to abortion, protect women’s right to choose
Minister unveils plan to deploy new service points, make abortion pill more accessible
Sabrina Jonas · CBC News
Nov 18, 2024
Quebec has introduced its first-ever action plan aimed at improving access to abortion in the province and reaffirming women’s right to choose, particularly in light of the setbacks to reproductive rights unfolding in the United States.
Martine Biron, minister responsible for the status of women, announced the Plan d’action gouvernemental sur l’accès à l’avortement 2024-2027 on Monday, saying this plan responds to women’s concerns about the protection of their rights.


Avortement : Québec mise sur la pilule abortive pour améliorer l’accès
Véronique Prince
18 november 2024
Bien qu’elle constate un « large consensus » sur le droit à l’avortement au Québec, la ministre responsable de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, veut rassurer les Québécoises qui s’inquiètent que l’accès à ces services soit menacé, surtout dans le contexte politique actuel aux États-Unis.
Le plan d’action qu’elle a déposé aujourd’hui comporte quatre grands objectifs :

  • améliorer l’accès à l’avortement à l’extérieur de Montréal;
  • lutter contre la désinformation entourant l’avortement;
  • améliorer l’information au sujet de la contraception;
  • et encourager la recherche.

Quebec announces province’s first abortion access plan
It includes $7.5 million to be spent on information campaigns, improving access to abortion services, research and consultations.
Jack Wilson
Published Nov 18, 2024
Quebec will make it easier for women to obtain the abortion pill, increase funding to pro-choice organizations and support additional abortion services as part of a three-year plan to bolster access to abortion, says Martine Biron, minister for the status of women.
The action plan outlines steps the government will take between now and 2027 and is Quebec’s first plan to improve access to abortion.
Prescrit en quelques minutes
Il a fallu quelques minutes à La Presse pour obtenir la prescription d’un traitement intensif de progestérone, qui prétend pouvoir renverser un avortement médicamenteux. Mais il s’agit d’une fraude médicale et dangereuse, selon des experts.
18 novembre, 2024
Megan Foy, La Presse
« Regrettez-vous d’avoir pris la pilule abortive ? Ne laissez pas la peur décider de votre avenir », peut-on lire à son arrivée sur le site Abortion Pill Reversal Canada, relayé par les sites web de dizaines de groupes antiavortements canadiens et québécois.
Qu’est-ce que la pilule abortive ?


«Le conservatisme au Québec, ce n’est pas d’être antiavortement»: des jeunes veulent déconstruire les préjugés sur la droite
Entrevue :  8:24 minutes
Yannick Beaudoin
Vendredi, 15 novembre 2024
Les jeunes Québécois se tournent de plus en plus vers la droite et le Parti conservateur du Canada, mais ce n’est pas le signe que cette génération est moins progressiste, affirment deux militants qui souhaitent déconstruire les préjugés envers leurs opinions politiques.
En entrevue à l’émission Le Bilan, les deux cofondateurs du mouvement Génération Ambition ont voulu expliquer leur vision et pourquoi celle-ci est partagée par un nombre grandissant de jeunes.
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Alberta NDP calls on provincial government to expand women’s health care services
By Justin Sibbet  Global News
November 15, 2024
Alberta’s official Opposition is calling on the government to create easier access for women’s reproductive health care services in regional hospitals. For one family physician in Lethbridge, Alta., women’s health care is falling under the radar when it comes to the attention it deserves.
“Lack of access to having a surgical abortion does not, in fact, make people choose not to have an abortion. It instead forces them to opt for a more accessible option, which in some cases, is a riskier option,” said Jillian Demontigny, a doctor in Lethbridge.

Anti-abortion activists challenge Quebec law forcing demonstrators to keep distance

Joe Bongiorno, The Canadian Press
Nov. 14, 2024
A Superior Court judge heard final arguments Thursday in a constitutional challenge of a Quebec law that requires protesters to stay 50 metres away from abortion clinics.
The Quebec Life Coalition and other anti-abortion activists took the province to court over the law, which they say violates their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


Des militants anti-avortement contestent la loi les obligeant à se tenir à distance

Des militants anti-avortement ont intenté une action en justice contre le Québec au sujet de l’article 16 de la Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux.
La Presse canadienne
14 novembre 2024

Une juge de la Cour supérieure du Québec a entendu jeudi les arguments finaux dans une contestation constitutionnelle d’une loi québécoise qui oblige les manifestants à rester à 50 m de distance des cliniques d’avortement.
La Campagne Québec-Vie (CQV) et d’autres militants anti-avortement ont intenté une action en justice contre la province au sujet de cette loi qui, selon eux, viole leurs droits à la liberté d’expression et de réunion pacifique, garantis par la Charte des droits et libertés.
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Avortement: «On s’inquiète pour nos enfants, on s’inquiète pour notre famille», dit une médecin
Entrevue : 7:21 minutes
Marie-Anne Audet
Mercredi, 13 novembre 2024
Le recul du droit à l’avortement aux États-Unis, assorti à la volonté des militants antiavortement canadiens de pouvoir manifester à moins de 50 mètres des cliniques, met en péril la sécurité des travailleurs de la santé, a évoqué une médecin.
«On s’inquiète pour nos enfants, on s’inquiète pour notre famille», a déclaré la Dre Diane Francoeur, directrice générale de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada. «Ça fait 30 ans que je fais des avortements. Alors oui, on a des menaces», a-t-elle souligné.
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Des militants anti-avortement veulent faire invalider la loi empêchant les manifestations …
Isabelle Richer reçoit Louise Langevin, professeur titulaire à la Faculté droit de l’Université Laval
13 novembre 2024
Isabelle Richer
Video :  5:31 minutes
continue :


Les fausses informations sur l’avortement circulent toujours autant
Agathe Boucart, Radio-Canada
13 novembre 2024
La Coalition pour le droit à l’avortement au Canada (CDAC) s’inquiète de la présence des centres de crises de grossesses au pays. Elle les accuse de tromper et de manipuler les femmes qui souhaitent interrompre une grossesse non désirée.
Pour la directrice générale de la Coalition pour le droit à l’avortement au Canada(CDAC), Joyce Arthur, le plus grand mythe serait de croire que l’avortement n’est pas commun au Canada. C’est pourtant très fréquent, a-t-elle déclaré. Selon la CDAC, une Canadienne sur trois en mesure de procréer choisira d’avorter au cours de sa vie.


Des militants antiavortement veulent manifester près des cliniques
13 novembre 2024
Marie-Eve Cousineau, La Presse
Des militants antiavortement réclament l’invalidation de la loi québécoise qui interdit les manifestations dans un périmètre de 50 mètres autour des cliniques d’avortement. La Cour supérieure du Québec entend leur cause cette semaine à Montréal. Le gouvernement québécois défend sa loi. Les cliniques, elles, refusent de revenir en arrière.
La législation québécoise interdit depuis 2016 les manifestations ou « toute autre forme d’intervention » visant à « tenter de dissuader une femme » d’obtenir un avortement à moins de 50 mètres du terrain d’une installation offrant un service d’avortement.
Ottawa to return part of $400K it clawed back from N.B. over abortion

Adam Huras
Nov 13, 2024 
OTTAWA • The Trudeau government says it will now return some – but not all – of the nearly $400,000 it clawed back in federal health transfers from New Brunswick for not funding out-of-hospital abortion services.
The feds have confirmed to Brunswick News that they expect to now pay out the $109,275 it withheld in the current fiscal year.

What the U.S. Election Results Mean for Canadian Reproductive Rights
Rachel Cairns
November 8, 2024
“For me, and for so many others, abortion was the start of something,” writes journalist Jessica Valenti in her daily newsletter, where she reports on abortion rights in the U.S. For Valenti, choosing not to become a parent before she was ready gave birth to her career, marriage, and, when the time was right, motherhood.
For me, it was the start of an insatiable geekiness about all things reproductive rights and justice and, eventually, a podcast. As I entered my abortion research era at the end of 2019, I quickly realized that advocates had been sounding alarms for years. Roe’s reversal wasn’t a question of if but when.
Quebec petition calling for free access to contraception goes viral after U.S. election
Joe Lofaro, CTVNews Montreal
Nov 8, 2024
A petition calling on Quebec to introduce free access to all contraceptives has gone viral since this week’s U.S. election that had reproductive rights on the ballot. On the day after the Nov. 5 election, the petition only had about 1,500 signatures but has now grown to more than 55,000 as of Friday afternoon.
It was filed with the Quebec legislature on Sept. 23 by Québec solidaire’s critic on the status of women, Ruba Ghazal. According to the petition, 40 per cent of pregnancies in Canada are unplanned, representing roughly 200,000 unplanned pregnancies each year. It also argues that contraception is “the best way to prevent unplanned pregnancies” and that the cost is the main barrier to access it.
Les avortements chirurgicaux pratiqués hors des hôpitaux du N.-B. seront remboursés
Margaux Tertre, Le Téléjournal Atlantique
7 novembre 2024
Moins d’une semaine après son assermentation comme première ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick, Susan Holt a levé jeudi l’une des barrières à l’accès aux avortements chirurgicaux dans la province. Ceux pratiqués hors du système hospitalier pourront désormais être remboursés par l’assurance maladie. Une
décision jugée « historique » par certains organismes féministes.

History in the making,’ says New Brunswick abortion provider on repeal of restrictive abortion regulation
Holt repeals ban on Medicare-funded abortions outside hospitals
by Tracy Glynn 
November 7, 2024
In front of an audience of abortion providers and advocates, Premier Susan Holt announced the end of a regulation that for decades restricted access to abortions in New Brunswick.
Until today, New Brunswick was unique in Canada for having a regulation that restricted procedural abortion services to hospital settings.
Holt government repeals ban on funding abortions outside hospitals
Liberal premier says next step is working on how doctors can offer the service in new locations around N.B.
Jacques Poitras · CBC News
Nov 07, 2024
New Brunswick’s new Liberal government has eliminated the legal restriction on public funding for procedural abortions outside hospitals.
The cabinet order swept away the decades-old rule — a single sentence in the provincial Regulation 84-20, first put in place to block a Fredericton clinic from offering the service.
Web searches for ‘Canadian abortion rights’ skyrocket after Trump presidential win. Here’s where Canadian leaders stand on reproductive rights
U.S. web searches for “Does Canada have abortion rights?” increased by more than 5,000% within the past 24 hours.
Elizabeth Di Filippo
Wed, November 6, 2024
Last night, former President Donald Trump defeated current Vice President Kamala Harris to become the projected winner of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. The results have sparked further concerns about women’s reproductive rights in the U.S. — and have prompted many people in both the U.S. and Canada to search for answers regarding abortion and birth control access.


Trump’s re-election pushes Quebec to call for safeguarding women’s right to choose
‘It’s a rude awakening this morning,’ says Québec Solidaire MNA
Rachel Watts, Brittany Henriques · CBC News
Nov 06, 2024
TK Pritchard expects to be flooded with emails in the coming days about what the United States election results mean for the future of abortion access across Canada.
Following the re-election of Donald Trump as president, Quebec politicians and some organizations protecting the right for women to receive an abortion in Canada say they’re wary about the future of women’s right to choose north of the border.
Quebec politicians vote to uphold abortion rights in wake of Trump win
Québec solidaire is also calling on the National Assembly to ask federal parties to “actively protect women’s rights, most notably the right to abortion.”
Leora Schertzer
Nov 06, 2024 
As the shock waves from the victory of Donald Trump and the Republican Party in the United States elections reverberated around the world Wednesday, Quebec’s National Assembly unanimously voted in favour of the right to abortion.
“Two hundred kilometres from here, the United States will be governed by a man who ran a campaign against women’s rights to abortion. In Canada, there’s a party packed with anti-abortion MPs hoping to form the next government,” stated Québec solidaire co-spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, whose party tabled the motion, during the assembly meeting.

Abortion Rights in Canada: Here to stay?
Incé Husain, Antler River Media Co-op
Mon November 4, 2024
On Thursday, October 24, an abortion rights protest clustered at the intersection of Southdale Road West and Notre Dame Drive. Five protesters stood in a line. Three raised familiar abortion rights signs that read “Honk for pro-choice”, “Safe and legal abortion is pro-life”, and “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries”.
The remaining two held more specific signs.  “Go home, Abby” read one. “Hellenic centre hosts RACIST,” read the other.


Abortion Rights Issue Surfaces in Canada Before U.S. Election
The Canadian government proposed legislation this week to crack down on anti-abortion organizations that provide “dishonest counseling” to pregnant women.
By Vjosa Isai, New York TImes
Nov. 2, 2024
When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the House of Commons this week regarding abortion rights, he also had a message for his daughter, who was seated in the gallery. “I want her to hear me as long as everyone else does,” Mr. Trudeau said. “This government is unequivocally pro-choice. We will always defend a woman’s right to choose.”
Mr. Trudeau’s Liberal Party on Tuesday revisited a 2021 campaign promise to penalize anti-abortion organizations that it said provided “dishonest counseling” to pregnant women.


Quebec is the most pro-choice province in Canada
9 in 10 Quebecers support a woman’s right to choose.
by Matthew Renfrew
Nov 1, 2024
According to a study by Léger, 80% of Canadians are in favour of a woman’s right to an abortion if she so chooses, including 89% in Quebec, where pro-choice sentiment is highest. Pro-choice sentiment was lowest in Manitoba/Saskatchewan, where 68% support a woman’s right to an abortion.
The study also found that half of Canadians (49%) think the situation in the United States with regards to the right to an abortion will have an impact in Canada.

Liberals take ‘softer approach’ on pledge to revoke charity status for pregnancy counselling
Trudeau had promised to ‘no longer provide charity status to anti-abortion organizations’ that offer ‘dishonest counselling to women’
Stephanie Taylor, National Post
Nov 01, 2024 
OTTAWA — Federal New Democrats are criticizing the Liberals’ plan to allow charities offering pregnancy counselling to keep their tax status if they advertise how their services exclude abortion — a move that differs from what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had promised during the last federal election.

In 2021, Trudeau ran on a platform that included a promise to “no longer provide charity status to anti-abortion organizations” that provide “dishonest counselling to women” about their pregnancy options.
“Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives are a threat to reproductive rights in Canada”
by Lorraine Carpenter
Oct 31, 2024
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has issued a strong warning to Canadians regarding abortion access and reproductive rights, calling out Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives for “wanting to limit a woman’s right to choose.” The NDP has put forward a motion to “Expand and Protect Abortion Access in Canada.”
According to Singh, “the extreme right-wing and anti-choice folks are calling the shots in that party,” and some Conservative MPs have even brought forward anti-choice legislation and given money to anti-choice organizations. Singh referred to the Conservatives as a “threat” to reproductive rights in Canada.


Liberals want pregnancy counselling charities to disclose if they offer abortion help
Nojoud Al Mallees and Laura Osman, The Canadian Press
Oct. 29, 2024
The Liberal government is introducing legislation to require charities that offer pregnancy counselling to disclose whether they also offer abortion and birth control or referral to those services.
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland made the announcement Tuesday during her weekly news conference with other cabinet ministers, including Health Minister Mark Holland.

Ottawa veut sévir contre les organismes de bienfaisance qui seraient anti-avortement
La Presse canadienne
29 octobre 2024
Le gouvernement fédéral veut s’assurer que les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés qui offrent des services de consultation en matière de grossesse divulguent aussi des informations sur des services d’avortement et de contraception. Ces organismes se doivent d’orienter les femmes vers ces services, selon Ottawa.
La ministre des Finances, Chrystia Freeland, a annoncé mardi, lors de sa conférence de presse hebdomadaire, le dépôt d’un projet de loi en ce sens, en compagnie d’autres ministres, dont son collègue de la Santé, Mark Holland.

New legislation would make ‘crisis pregnancy centres’ disclose whether they provide abortion support
Crisis pregnancy centres that fail to follow proposed rules would risk losing their charitable status
Darren Major · CBC News
Oct 29, 2024
The federal government has introduced legislation that would require charities providing reproductive health services to state clearly whether they offer abortion or abortion referrals.
Organizations that fail to clearly tell their clients whether they provide these services could risk losing their charitable status.
Liberals want pregnancy counselling charities to say if they offer abortion
By Sean Boynton  Global News
October 29, 2024
The Liberal government on Tuesday introduced legislation to require charities that offer pregnancy counselling to disclose whether they also offer abortion and birth control or referral to these services.
If passed, organizations that don’t clearly disclose their services would be at risk of losing their charitable status, according to the legislation announced by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and other cabinet ministers.

‘Canada needs to do better’: NDP calling for better access to abortion in Canada
Oct 29, 2024
News interview with Jagmeet Singh and Leah Gazan – 5:52 minutes
As abortion rights dominate the current U.S. election cycle, many Canadians believe law makers here at home can do a better job securing safe access to abortions. Faiza Amin speaks with members of the NDP on newly proposed legislation.

Rien d’acquis avec le droit à l’avortement
Karine Gagnon
Vendredi, 25 octobre 2024

Tous ceux et celles qui tiennent encore pour acquis le droit à l’avortement au Canada devraient écouter La peur au ventre, documentaire percutant de Léa Clermont-Dion.

Depuis que la Cour suprême des États-Unis a invalidé l’arrêt Roe c. Wade, des effets dévastateurs pour le droit à l’avortement ont déboulé chez le voisin américain.
Higgs’s defeat a relief to New Brunswick activists, but fight continues
A new Liberal government doesn’t automatically mean the undoing of a year and a half of anti-LGBTQ2S+ policy changes
By Rhea Rollmann
October 25, 2024
After 16 months of fighting provincial Conservative efforts to roll back protections for trans and gender-diverse youth, the Liberal election victory in New Brunswick on Oct. 21 may provide activists a bit of relief.
“We’re exhausted,” says Nicki Lyons-MacFarlane, an activist with Imprint Youth, a community organization serving gender-diverse children and young adults in Fredericton. “We’ve been fighting for the rights of our queer and trans kids for the last year and a half.”
Tasia Alexopoulos, an NB-based spokesperson for the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, has been fighting to protect reproductive rights in that province for over a decade. The two struggles are very much related, she says.


Ex-Conservative MP claims anti-abortion movement has influence inside the party
Poilievre has said that if he’s elected, his government would not support any legislation to regulate abortion
Kate McKenna · CBC News
Oct 24, 2024
A former Conservative MP who says he left the party because of his “convictions” claims that the number of anti-abortion Conservative members of Parliament is growing, and that anti-abortion activists have influence within the party apparatus.
Richmond-Arthabaska MP Alain Rayes made the comments in a new documentary, “La peur au ventre,” directed by Quebec filmmaker Léa Clermont-Dion, which explores the anti-abortion movement in Canada following the reversal of Roe v. Wade in the United States.

NDP plan motion to push back against anti-abortion ‘creep’ from Conservatives
October 24, 2024
OTTAWA — The NDP is taking aim at the Conservatives on abortion by putting forward a motion to call out what it calls a “creep” of legislation, petitions and threats aimed at reducing access to abortion.
Leader Jagmeet Singh says his party will use its next opposition day to force the House of Commons to debate and vote on a motion calling for urgent action to improve abortion access.
Le NPD propose une motion pour soutenir l’accès à l’avortement
24 octobre
Rosa Saba, La Presse Canadienne
(Ottawa) Le Nouveau parti démocratique (NPD) s’en prend aux conservateurs sur la question de l’avortement en présentant une motion pour dénoncer ce qu’il juge être une vague de lois, de pétitions et de menaces visant à réduire l’accès à l’avortement.
Le chef Jagmeet Singh a déclaré que son parti utiliserait sa prochaine journée d’opposition pour forcer la Chambre des communes à débattre et à voter sur une motion demandant une action urgente pour améliorer l’accès à l’avortement.

Le droit à l’avortement est-il menacé au Canada?
le 21 octobre 2024
par Chloé Patry-Robitaille
podcast : 5 minutes
On parle avec Léa Clermont-Dion de son documentaire La peur au ventre présenté le 21 octobre 20 h sur les ondes de Télé-Québec.

L’effet du renversement de Roe c. Wade aux États-Unis se ressent ici. Les groupes anti-avortement se mobilisent plus que jamais! Inquiète de la menace que représente ce mouvement sur les droits des femmes, Léa Clermont-Dion se rend sur le terrain.

BC Greens promise to expand access to abortion
Sonia Furstenau speaks at a podium
By Charles Brockman
October 15, 2024
BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau promises to expand access to reproductive health-care in the province if elected.
Speaking in Victoria Tuesday, Furstenau called out the BC NDP and B.C. Conservative platforms for not properly addressing the issue or pledging improvements.
New Brunswick Greens promise more midwifery clinics, better abortion access if elected
Oct 15, 2024
Video:  1:52 minutes
A Green government would spend $13.2 million over four years on more midwifery clinics, Megan Mitton, the Green Party deputy leader who’s running for re-election, announced in Saint John on Tuesday
Small group of Londoners counter-protest to take a stand for reproductive rights
Emmanuel Akanbi, Antler River Media
Sat October 12, 2024
A small group of abortion rights activists in London counter-protested the anti-abortion “Life Chain” event in front of Victoria Hospital on Sunday.
Local churches and anti-abortion protesters  participated in what is known as the “Life Chain,” an annual anti-abortion event held across cities in North America on the first Sunday in October since 1987. In London, this protest was held in front of Victoria Hospital at the corner of Wellington Road and Commissioners Road — but protesters were met with a counter-protest by London Reproductive Justice, a local group that advocates for abortion and reproductive rights.

Canada’s pharmacare bill is now law. What this means for you
By Katie Dangerfield  Global News
October 11, 2024
Canada’s pharmacare bill has officially become a reality after it officially passed through the Senate Thursday and received royal assent.
That means many will soon have access to more medications, including those for diabetes and contraception, which are deemed essential and can cost hundreds or thousands out of pocket each year, though specific provincial agreements are still in negotiation.

BC Conservatives release reproductive healthcare plan without mentioning abortion access
Friday, October 11th, 2024
By Curtis Blandy
This week, John Rustad’s Conservative Party of BC announced their plan to overhaul reproductive healthcare services in British Columbia.
The Tories are calling this plan ‘Next Generation Healthcare’ and are saying they would see it be implemented if elected.  This initiative consists of a five-point plan aimed at supports for women:
Rustad’s “reproductive health” plan doesn’t mention abortion access or contraception at all
October 11, 2024
John Rustad has just announced a reproductive health plan that focuses on many things the BC NDP is already doing – including funding IVF treatment to help people have families.
What the plan doesn’t include is any mention of access to abortion or contraception. This comes after several of Rustad’s candidates have openly criticized abortion access, including:
Canada now has universal pharmacare — what this means for Canadians’ access to medication
Oct 11 2024
Daily Hive
The federal government’s universal pharmacare bill just passed, which means Canadians are one step closer to getting coverage for certain prescription medication.
On Friday, the Pharmacare Act received Royal Assent and immediately came into force, but that doesn’t necessarily mean coverage starts right away.
Health minister says he’s on track to strike pharmacare deals with provinces by spring
Mark Holland says government ‘is in a position where we can announce deals in the near future’
Peter Zimonjic · CBC News
Oct 11, 2024
It “absolutely is possible” for the federal government to strike pharmacare agreements with all the provinces by the spring, Health Minister Mark Holland said Friday.
“I’m not saying this is going to be easy,” Holland said from the G7 health ministers’ meeting in Ancona, Italy. “Getting this bill adopted in the House and getting it through the Senate was incredibly difficult.”


New Brunswick: Free birth control, more midwives: Liberals unveil women’s health-care plan
Oct 11, 2024
CBC – Video: 1:50 minutes
Leader Susan Holt said the Liberal Party would sign an agreement with the federal government to give New Brunswickers free access to contraception if elected. Other women’s health-care measures would include at-home pap tests and free rounds of IVF.
Les libéraux veulent rendre les contraceptifs gratuits
11 octobre 2024
Le Parti libéral promet notamment de rendre les contraceptifs gratuits, de financer un cycle de fécondation in vitro et d’offrir des tests de prévention contre le cancer du col de l’utérus à domicile.
Vendredi matin à Moncton, la cheffe libérale, Susan Holt, a fait plusieurs annonces qui ont pour but d’ améliorer l’accès aux services de santé essentiels dont les femmes ont besoin.


Case Commentary: The Supreme Court denies income tax exemption to conscientious objectors of abortion (Norejko v. the King)
October 10, 2024
David Rotfleisch,
In August 2024, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) denied the application for leave to appeal to the SCC by the appellant taxpayer Vito Norejko. The taxpayer previously appealed, unsuccessfully, to the Tax Court of Canada (TCC) and then to the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA). In the appeals, the taxpayer sought an exemption from paying federal and provincial personal income taxes on the basis that the tax payments were used to finance abortion, a procedure that was in contrary to his conscience and religious belief. The appellant elaborated that a fetus in the womb of the mother is an enwombed child and hence an abortion is the killing of a human being, an act that is naturally abhorrent to God and man alike. In both instances, the appeals were quashed.

Avortement : l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard progresse
Marine Ernoult – LA VOIX ACADIENNE
9 octobre 2024
La Voix acadienne – Fin septembre, deux journées mondiales célébraient la contraception et le droit à l’avortement. À l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, des avancées considérables ont été accomplies depuis 2017 et l’ouverture du premier service pratiquant des interruptions volontaires de grossesse. Il reste néanmoins du travail à faire pour sensibiliser le public et contrer l’influence des mouvements pro-vie aux États-Unis.
«L’Île-du-Prince-Édouard est devenue la meilleure province du pays pour l’accès à l’avortement, c’est ancré dans le système de santé», affirme Martha Jane Paynter, professeure adjointe à la faculté des sciences infirmières de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Face-à-face sur l’avortement devant le CHUL
Par Philippe Chabot, Le Soleil
6 octobre 2024
D’un côté de la rue, une pancarte affiche «Mon corps, mon libre choix». De l’autre côté, une autre pancarte: «C’est un bébé, pas un choix».
Des manifestants pro-choix et pro-vie se sont installés des deux côtés de l’avenue Jean-De Quen, devant le CHUL et le Centre mère-enfant Soleil, dimanche après-midi.
Pharmacare bill passes key test ahead of next week’s final Senate vote
A Senate committee has finished its clause-by-clause analysis of C-64
Kate McKenna · CBC News
Oct 03, 2024
The government’s pharmacare legislation has survived a key step on the way to becoming law and could pass the Senate next week. Bill C-64, a framework for the implementation of national pharmacare, passed through the Senate’s social affairs, science and technology committee without amendments on Thursday. It now proceeds to a final vote on the floor of the Senate.
Poilievre says he plans to promote adoption as ‘greater good’ over legislating abortion
Poilievre himself was adopted by two school teachers as a child
Stephanie Taylor, National Post
Oct 01, 2024 
OTTAWA — Focusing on legislation that promotes adoption would do “greater good” to help pregnant women than restricting access to abortion, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says in a new letter.
His office outlined the leader’s position in correspondence sent to an anti-abortion supporter, who wrote the leader in early September calling on him to ban the procedure, suggesting Poilievre has changed his stance from being a “pro-lifer” over his 20-year career as a member of Parliament.
Avortement: Dominique Vien dénonce les propos
d’une ministre libérale la concernant
Par Serge Lamontagne
1er octobre 2024
POLITIQUE. Une publication de la députée libérale fédérale Diane Lebouthillier, sur les réseaux sociaux, a fait sursauter la députée fédérale de Bellechasse-Les Etchemins-Lévis, Dominique Vien, au cours de la dernière fin de semaine.
« En cette journée mondiale pour le droit de l’avortement sécurisé, il est important de défendre le droit des femmes de choisir. Nous veillerons toujours à ce que les femmes reçoivent les soins dont elles ont besoin », avait écrit Mme Lebouthillier dans un premier temps.
Des militants interpellent les candidats au Nouveau-Brunswick sur le droit à l’avortement
Seul le Parti progressiste-conservateur a refusé de se prononcer sur la question.
le 28 septembre 2024
Le 28 septembre est la Journée mondiale pour le droit à l’avortement. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, seulement trois hôpitaux — deux à Moncton et un à Bathurst — pratiquent des interruptions de grossesse chirurgicales.
La seule clinique privée qui faisait la procédure, la Clinique 554 de Fredericton, a fermé en début d’année.

SOGC Calls for Vigilance and Continued Advocacy on International Safe Abortion Day
Published Sep 28, 2024 
OTTAWA, Ontario — As the world observes International Safe Abortion Day, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) is reaffirming its unwavering commitment to ensuring women across Canada and the world have safe access to abortion services and reproductive health care.
At a time when sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) are under renewed threat globally, it has never been more important to ensure all aspects of women’s health care in Canada are protected. The recent rollback of abortion access in the United States is a stark reminder that progress can be easily reversed and must not be taken for granted. Canada must remain vigilant in safeguarding women’s reproductive freedoms.

Statement by the Prime Minister on International Safe Abortion Day
September 28, 2024
Ottawa, Ontario
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on International Safe Abortion Day: “Abortion is health care. Family planning is health care. It’s that simple.
“On International Safe Abortion Day, we unequivocally reaffirm every woman’s right to make decisions about their body, their life, and their future. We reflect on the freedoms won by women. We recommit to the progress we can’t risk losing. And we fight – tooth and nail – to protect a woman’s right to choose.
Déclaration du premier ministre à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour le droit à l’avortement
28 septembre 2024
Ottawa (Ontario)
Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour le droit à l’avortement : « L’avortement est un soin de santé. La planification familiale est un soin de santé. C’est aussi simple que cela.
« En cette Journée internationale pour le droit à l’avortement, nous réaffirmons sans équivoque que chaque femme a le droit de prendre les décisions concernant son corps, sa vie et son avenir. Nous réfléchissons aux libertés que les femmes ont acquises. Nous renouvelons notre attachement aux progrès que nous ne pouvons pas risquer de perdre. Enfin, nous nous battons avec acharnement pour protéger la liberté de choix des femmes.
La SOGC lance un appel à la vigilance et à la poursuite des représentations pour protéger les droits des femmes à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de l’avortement sécuritaire
28 Septembre 2024
OTTAWA, Ontario (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alors que le monde entier observe la Journée internationale de l’avortement sécuritaire, la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC) réaffirme son engagement inébranlable à faire en sorte que les femmes du Canada et du monde entier aient un accès sécuritaire aux services d’avortement et aux soins de santé reproductive.
À une époque où les droits de santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) sont de nouveau menacés à l’échelle mondiale, il n’a jamais été aussi important de veiller à ce que tous les aspects des soins de santé des femmes au Canada soient protégés. Le récent recul de l’accès à l’avortement aux États-Unis nous rappelle brutalement que les progrès peuvent être facilement annulés et qu’il ne faut pas les tenir pour acquis. Le Canada doit rester vigilant dans la protection des libertés reproductives des femmes.
Continue :
For World Contraception Day, this group is calling for a commitment to pharmacare in N.L.
If N.L. commits to pharmacare, birth control and diabetes medication will be free
Jenna Head · CBC News
Sep 27, 2024
Advocates for publicly funded pharmaceuticals leveraged World Contraception Day this week to urge the Newfoundland and Labrador government to commit to signing up for national pharmacare funding.
The Canada Pharmacare Act, known as Bill C-64, is in the final stages of being passed, and may receive royal assent this fall.


Researchers help fill information gap on abortion options with new decision aid
‘When you look online for anything about abortion, it is very difficult to know what you’re reading is legitimate and accurate,’ says one of the creators.
SEP 27 2024
When someone chooses to have an abortion, they should have all the information they need to make an informed decision. navigate the process. That’s the vision behind a pair of researchers who have designed a tool to help with what comes after making such a deeply personal decision.
“People are going to be much happier, much more satisfied with the process at the end if they actually have the information they need to make the right choice,” said Melissa Brooks, assistant professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Dalhousie University.

‘It’s my choice’: How a UBC student’s website helps you navigate abortion options
Sept. 26, 2024
by Viyan Handley, The Ubyssey
Navigating choices around abortion can be daunting — that’s why Kate Wahl created the interactive website, It’s My Choice.
A PhD student in UBC’s department of obstetrics & gynecology, Wahl wanted to help inform individuals choosing abortion in early pregnancy about the differences between undergoing a medical abortion — commonly known as the abortion pill — or a surgical abortion.

SOGC Advocates for Universal Access to Contraceptives on World Contraception Day
Globe Newswire
Published Sep 26, 2024 
OTTAWA, Ontario — To mark World Contraception Day, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) is reaffirming its call for universal free contraception with testimony today on Parliament Hill.
Organon Canada and the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation unite to raise awareness and advocate for universal access to contraception in Canada
This World Contraception Day, organizations partner to raise awareness of the need to reduce barriers to contraception and invite others to support universal access
News provided by Organon Canada Inc.
Sep 26, 2024
KIRKLAND, QC and EDMONTON, AB – In recognition of World Contraception Day (WCD) on September 26, Organon Canada, a subsidiary of Organon (NYSE: OGN), a global healthcare company with a focus on women’s health, and the Alberta Women’s Health Foundation (AWHF), a pan-provincial fundraising brand supporting the advancement of care and research in women’s health, are collaborating to show their support for universal access to contraception in Canada.
Abortion access project lights fire in health grad student
September 25, 2024
Stephanie Harrington
Willow Paul had planned to work in Indigenous child welfare when she finished her bachelor’s degree at the University of Victoria. A queer Gitxsan woman who grew up in Kelowna on unceded Syilx territory, Paul had never given graduate school much thought.
Research was not on my radar,” Paul says. But serendipity—and a supportive mentor—changed her career path.


Are Reproductive Rights on the Ballot This Election?
What the BC NDP and BC Conservatives are promising on abortion, free contraception and cervical cancer screening and treatment.
Michelle Gamage, The Tyee
Sep 26, 2024
Premier David Eby says women’s reproductive rights are on the ballot this election because he claims the Conservatives would cut $4.1 billion from the health-care budget, and that could impact free birth control, home cervical cancer screening tests and expanded gynecological cancer treatment and surgery.
Eby made the comment at a Vancouver campaign event on Sept. 12 where he announced hormone replacement therapy would be made free for people going through menopause.
Body autonomy: Our right to health
Sep 24, 2024
by Kimberly Williams
I sit across the table from my Amma – Icelandic for gramma – in her home in Vancouver. She’s 96 years old and I love her dearly. We sit chatting about her childhood as my 9-month-old daughter smiles lovingly at her and they giggle at small miracles – my gramma bangs on the table, my baby repeats the movement. It’s fun for all of us.
I am the 100th President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC), a title that perpetuates my ongoing imposter syndrome. I didn’t have time to take on this role (really, what parent does), but I did it because it’s something I had to do to ensure my three daughters have rights. Things have really changed since my Amma was 9 months old, but there is still a lot of work to do.

Québec solidaire estime que Legault fait ouvertement la promotion du PCC de Poilievre

La Presse Canadienne
24 septembre 2024
QUÉBEC — Le premier ministre du Québec, François Legault, fait ouvertement la promotion du Parti conservateur du Canada (PCC) de Pierre Poilievre.
C’est ce qu’a dénoncé mardi le chef parlementaire de Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, en mêlée de presse à l’Assemblée nationale.
Why anti-abortion groups should not be teaching sex-ed
Unlike abortion clinics, so-called “crisis pregnancy centres” are not subject to any sort of regulation.
by Julia Moraes,
September 24, 2024
As we move back into the school year, there is a growing concern among parents and educators that students aren’t getting the sex-ed that they deserve. Over the years, a growing number of anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centres” (CPCs) have been delivering sex education in public schools using a biased, religiously-based perspective that can be misleading and stigmatizing.
Crisis pregnancy centres often present themselves as impartial medical clinics or counselling centres for pregnant individuals. In reality, most CPCs are anti-abortion organizations with religious affiliations whose primary objective is to dissuade pregnant people from exercising their choice to terminate their pregnancy.

Embarrassant pour Pierre Poilievre: un député du Parti conservateur du Canada reçu par une église antiavortement aux États-Unis
Jeremy Patzer a été invité à titre de député canadien et a même prononcé une allocution.
Sarah-Maude Lefebvre
Mardi, 24 septembre 2024
Un député du Parti conservateur du Canada s’est rendu jusqu’en Floride pour prononcer un discours lors du congrès d’une église créationniste et antiavortement, un voyage qui ramène à l’avant-plan un dossier épineux pour le chef Pierre Poilievre.
Des organismes déplorent l’accès difficile à la pilule abortive sur la Côte-Nord
Alban Normandin
23 septembre 2024
Des organismes qui accompagnent les femmes enceintes déplorent des ressources limitées en matière d’avortement en dehors des centres urbains de la région. Selon eux, ce manque de ressources oblige plusieurs femmes à se déplacer à Sept-Îles ou à Baie-Comeau pour obtenir des examens médicaux, comme une échographie, demandés en cas d’interruption volontaire de grossesse avec la pilule abortive.
Mail carrier suspended after refusing to deliver flyers calling for ban on ‘child sex-change’
New Brunswickers have to be 18 or older to undergo gender-affirming surgery
Hadeel Ibrahim · CBC News
Sep 23, 2024
A Canada Post worker says she was suspended after refusing to deliver flyers that compare gender-affirming medical care to child mutilation.
The flyer from Campaign Life Coalition, an anti-abortion group based in Hamilton, Ont., calls for a ban on “child sex-change.”
Exclusive: UCP members want to debate private health care, abortion and Marxism
Members are considering new policy proposals, which could include restricting abortion funding, adopting ‘strong mayor’ legislation
Tyler Dawson, National Post
Published Sep 18, 2024 
When members of Alberta’s governing United Conservative Party meet in Red Deer in November, they will debate a suite of new policy proposals, which could include restricting abortion funding, adopting “strong mayor” legislation and forcing teachers to take a university course on the evils of Marxism.
Two weeks ago, an email went out to party members, listing dozens of potential policy proposals. Members had until Tuesday to rank their preferences, which will then be used to create the final resolutions that will be up for public debate at the convention.

Contraception masculine : une révolution est-elle à nos portes?
Gaëlle Lussiaà-Berdou
le 15 septembre
Alors que la contraception est légalisée au Canada depuis 55 ans, la plupart des moyens de contrôle des naissances demeurent, encore aujourd’hui, destinés aux femmes. Or, de plus en plus de gens souhaitent voir émerger de nouvelles méthodes de contraception masculine.
Gabriel Dugger est bien placé pour en parler. Il est l’un des quelque 200 hommes dans le monde qui ont testé ces dernières années un gel contraceptif développé aux États-Unis.

Alberta: Health minister walks back claim about abortion access in hospitals
Brett McKay
Sep 13, 2024
Last week, Alberta Health Minister Adriana LaGrange played down concerns that transferring the operation of some hospitals to Covenant Health would negatively impact reproductive health care, but the minister’s claim about abortion access is contradicted by provincial policy and data.
‘Viewer discretion bylaw’ proposed to address graphic fetus images in New West
New Westminster to address graphic images of fetuses: “Nobody’s going to be ambushed by these horrible images.” 
Theresa McManus
Sep 10, 2024
New West may join nine other Canadian cities in regulating the unsolicited distribution of graphic images depicting a fetus. New Westminster city council has unanimously approved a motion directing staff to provide proposed bylaw amendments related to the delivery or distribution of printed materials that show, or appear to show, a graphic image of a fetus. The motion, approved at Monday’s meeting, recommended these images be delivered in a sealed opaque envelope that includes a “graphic content” warning and identifies the name and address of the sender.
Concerns over pre-election polarization amid online barbs in B.C.
B.C. Green MLA says polarization only serves to distract from major issues facing British Columbians
CBC News
Sep 10, 2024
The B.C. New Democrats and B.C. Conservative Party are trading increasingly sharp attacks on social issues that some believe are akin to U.S.-style culture wars.
Premier David Eby has attacked the B.C. Conservatives over abortion, race and gender identity, while the Conservatives have been critical of Eby and the “radical NDP,” claiming the government is trying to distract from its own failed policies on public safety and affordability.

La question de l’avortement s’invite dans la précampagne électorale en C.-B.

Anaïs Elboujdaïni
10 septembre 2024
Le Nouveau Parti démocratique de la Colombie-Britannique et le Parti conservateur de la province s’attaquent mutuellement sur des questions d’avortement et d’identité de genre.
Lors d’une conférence de presse à Victoria, le premier ministre, David Eby, a rappelé une promesse du gouvernement de couvrir les coûts d’un premier cycle de fécondation in vitro dès 2025. Il en a également profité pour s’attaquer au Parti conservateur et à sa position sur l’avortement.
NDP tries to make abortion B.C. election issue, Conservatives push back
Martin MacMahon, CTV News
Sept. 10, 2024
Ahead of next month’s provincial election, the BC NDP is claiming the BC Conservatives – if elected – will reduce access to abortion and support for other reproductive health services if elected.
Women’s reproductive health has been a major focus of the NDP government from funding birth control and abortion pills, to promising one round of IVF treatment per family starting next year.


Le Centre de santé des femmes de Winnipeg annule des avortements en raison d’un lit brisé
La clinique se tourne vers le sociofinancement pour acheter un nouveau lit de procédure

Catherine Moreau
2 septembre 2024
Un des deux lits servant à pratiquer des avortements chirurgicaux au Centre de santé des femmes de Winnipeg, Women’s Health Clinic (WHC), est brisé depuis quelques jours.

Nous avons dû renvoyer des clientes qui avaient un rendez-vous prévu ce jour-là, raconte la gérante des programmes familiaux et communautaires de la clinique, Erin Bockstael. Entre six et douze personnes auraient été affectées, selon elle.

Viewpoint – Democratic convention prompts comparisons
By: MaryLou Driedger
Sunday, Sep. 1, 2024
Watching the recent American Democratic National Convention I found myself making comparisons between Canada and the United States.
I was impressed delegates were wholehearted supporting the election of a female president. We haven’t ever elected a Canadian female prime minister though we did have one for two months in 1993, when Kim Campbell replaced a retiring Brian Mulroney as Conservative Party leader.

Comment sauver la Loi canadienne sur la santé ?
août 29, 2024
par Tracy Glynn
Àl’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la Loi canadienne sur la santé, des chercheurs ont réexaminé la législation et suggéré des moyens de rendre les soins de santé plus universels, plus accessibles et plus complets.
Lors de la table ronde de recherche sur la Loi canadienne sur la santé à 40 ans, qui s’est tenue le 20 juin dernier à l’Université d’Ottawa, les panélistes Y.Y. Chen, Martha Paynter et Marie Carpentier ont discuté de la manière de remédier à certaines des lacunes de la Loi canadienne sur la santé.

Danielle Smith veut créer un climat plus compétitif dans le système de santé

Laurence Taschereau
28 août 2024
La première ministre de l’Alberta, Danielle Smith, a dévoilé sa vision pour l’avenir du système de santé albertain. Services de santé Alberta (AHS), le gestionnaire principal des soins de santé dans la province, pourrait se voir retirer l’autorité de certains établissements, au profit d’autres administrateurs, comme Covenant Health, un fournisseur de soins de santé catholique.
AHS est en pleine restructuration, et lors d’une rencontre à Drayton Valley, petite municipalité à l’ouest d’Edmonton, la première ministre a annoncé que son parti était prêt à retirer le pouvoir [d’AHS] de gérer les hôpitaux.


Underperforming hospitals to be transferred away from AHS, Danielle Smith says
Instilling ‘fear’ in administrators will be incentive to improve hospital performance, premier tells town hall in Drayton Valley
Brett McKay
Aug 27, 2024 
Premier Danielle Smith revealed the next phases of her government’s restructuring of health care in Alberta, including plans to remove Alberta Health Services (AHS) as the operator of some hospitals and turn facilities over to other operators like Catholic health care provider Covenant Health.
The Alberta government is currently setting up a structure where the government retains ownership of facilities and leases them to AHS and is “prepared to also take away their authority to operate hospitals as well,” Smith said at the town hall in Drayton Valley on Aug. 17.


Calls for Canada Post to stop ‘hate mail’ against gender care in New Brunswick
Canadian Press
Aug 27, 2024
FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK — Nicki Lyons-MacFarlane said it was a “punch in the gut” to find a postcard in their mailbox Friday from an anti-abortion group claiming “gender ideology” was being taught in schools and that it was leading to “surgical mutilation.”
But for Lyons-MacFarlane, who uses they/them pronouns, their concern immediately turned to the many transgender and gender-diverse youth they work with who may have received the card, too.
“As a trans adult, it’s hard enough,” said the 34-year-old, who is the provincial NDP candidate for Fredericton’s South-Silverwood district.


Anti-abortion group sends flyers in support of N.B.’s parental rights policies
N.B. Progressive Conservatives say they have ‘no involvement’ with flyer targeting sex education
Savannah Awde · CBC News
Aug 26, 2024
A national anti-abortion group that sent out flyers accusing schools of “pushing transgenderism” plans to distribute more material to support Premier Blaine Higgs when he campaigns for re-election this fall.
The flyers from Campaign Life Coalition, which were distributed across New Brunswick, also compare gender-affirming medical care — legal in New Brunswick for those over 18 or with parental permission — to “chemical and surgical mutilation.”

Articles de presse sur les droits reproductifs – Facebook bloque les liens vers les actualités au Canada, c’est pourquoi nous compilons ces articles ici. Les articles les plus récents sont en haut.

Abortion access, belief-based denial of care and more with Joyce Arthur
rabble radio – Podcast: 30 minutes
August 23, 2024
Last week, Arthur shared a piece with on belief-based denial of care. Read that piece here. Today, she joins rabble editor Nick Seebruch to talk changing the term “conscientious objection” and reviews the state of abortion rights in Canada.

Free prescription birth control to start in Manitoba on Oct. 1
‘This announcement today is about reproductive justice,’ Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara says
Darren Bernhardt · CBC News
Aug 22, 2024
Birth control will become free for all Manitobans with a prescription as of Oct. 1, Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara announced on Thursday.
The Manitoba pharmacare program will cover the full cost of about 60 commonly used birth control products, including the pill, intrauterine devices, hormone injections and others.


Série de balados – Avortement : un pays pas comme les autres
21 août 2024
L’avortement au Canada est une réalité complexe et souvent méconnue. De la Gaspésie au Nunavik, en passant par les provinces de l’Atlantique et les grandes villes, ce balado met en lumière les disparités régionales et les obstacles rencontrés par les canadiennes désirant avoir recours à ce soin de santé. La journaliste Pasquale Harrison-Julien aborde dans cette série des sujets délicats tels que les avortements après le premier trimestre, les pressions culturelles et familiales, et les implications politiques et sociales des lois sur l’avortement. À travers des témoignages poignants et des entretiens avec des experts, des militants et des médecins, découvrez les histoires de femmes qui ont dû naviguer dans un système de santé inégal pour exercer leur droit dans ce balado essentiel pour comprendre les enjeux actuels et futurs de la santé reproductive au Canada.
Data shows evolving state of reproductive health care in Alberta
The apparent increase in the rate of medical abortion indicated by provincial prescription data is a positive sign, “but we still have a way to go.”
Brett McKay
Aug 20, 2024
Since becoming available in 2017, Mifegymiso, commonly called the abortion pill, has transformed reproductive health care in Canada. Before the drug’s legalization, medical abortion was a relatively rare procedure, and surgical abortion services were often only available through hospitals and specialized clinics in major urban centres.
…statistics from Alberta Health obtained through an access-to-information request shed some light on the evolving state of reproductive health care in the province.

What Policy Ideas Attract and Repel Canadian Voters? A look at the “Third Rails” of Canadian Politics
David Coletto, Abacus Data
August 18, 2024
The “third rail” of politics refers to a controversial issue that is so politically charged and potentially damaging that touching it can result in severe political consequences, much like the dangerous third rail on a subway track that carries a lethal electric charge.
… when we isolate for Canadians currently supporting the Conservative Party, we find that the biggest losers for them are legalizing all drugs, raising the retirement age, criminalizing abortion, and taxing gains on primary residences. This shows just how risky the abortion issue for Conservatives and the prospect that a Poilievre government might raise the retirement age (which it has not proposed doing).


Manitoba court rejects doctor’s breach of contract and defamation claims
Women’s Health Clinic sued by medical professional providing therapeutic abortion services
By Bernise Carolino
15 Aug 2024
The Manitoba Court of King’s Bench recently dismissed all claims of a family physician focusing on abortion care in a case that he filed against the Women’s Health Clinic Inc.
In 2010, the doctor, operating through his professional corporation, entered into a contract with the clinic to provide therapeutic abortion services on a fee-for-service basis.

Reno of 120-year-old Ontario home unearths crumbling condom from a forbidden time
Pack of 3 Sheiks was sold before Canada decriminalized contraception
Andrew Lupton · CBC News
Aug 15, 2024
For at least seven decades, the original owner of a three-pack of Sheik condoms was successful in shielding their existence.
The condoms, not yet decriminalized in Canada, had been carefully hidden between the floor joists of a basement in the Old North neighbourhood of London, Ont., an area marked by century-old homes. Slid behind some well-rusted tools and tins of old nails, the condom pack remained out of sight until it was discovered last week as part of cleanup and renovation work in the basement.

Belief-based care denial: Let’s change the terms of the debate
The term “conscientious objection” is dishonest when applied to healthcare.
by Joyce Arthur,
August 13, 2024
In medicine, so-called “conscientious objection” occurs when a healthcare professional refuses to provide a legal medical service based on their personal or religious beliefs. This happens mostly for abortion and contraceptive care.
I propose a more accurate term: Belief-based care denial. This phrase makes it clear that treatment is being refused due to ideological reasons and not clinical considerations. Further, care denials are not conscientious because they cause harms to patients and create barriers to care.


St. Catharines repeals graphic image bylaw amid legal challenge
City council vows to bring back a revised bylaw that will hold up in court.
Aug. 13, 2024
A St. Catharines bylaw that bans flyers with images of fetuses from being delivered to homes without a warning label and cover has been repealed by city council effective immediately amid a legal challenge.
But council isn’t done with the issue, directing staff Monday night to lay the groundwork for a new revised graphic image bylaw that will stand up in court.


IUD insertions can hurt — a lot. Can Canada learn from new U.S. pain management guidelines?
Stateside recommendations call on health-care teams to counsel patients on pain management options
Lauren Pelley · CBC News
Aug 09, 2024
The first time Devon Cantwell-Chavez had a long-lasting form of birth control inserted — an intrauterine device, or IUD — it was a smooth, painless experience.
That was in 2018, through her gynecologist in Salt Lake City, Utah. Cantwell-Chavez was provided painkillers, along with a low dose of an anti-anxiety medication with sedative properties. “It was a very easy experience,” she recalled, “and I honestly don’t remember it.”


Appetite for Abortion Debate Hits Lowest Point in Canada
Fewer than one-in-four Canadians think the discussion about abortion should be re-opened.
August 9, 2024
By Mario Canseco
Vancouver, BC – Most Canadians remain skeptical about reigniting a debate on abortion in the country, a new Research Co. poll has found.
In the online survey of a representative national sample, almost three-in-five Canadians (58%) believe there is no point in re-opening a debate about abortion in Canada right now, up five points since a similar Research Co. poll conducted in April 2022.

35 ans après l’affaire Chantale Daigle : un devoir de mémoire et de vigilance
8 août 2024
Il y a 35 ans, la Cour suprême rendait une décision qui allait avoir un impact historique sur le droit des femmes au Canada. Cette journée du 8 août 1989, nous nous en souvenons en tant que femmes et nous tâchons de ne jamais l’oublier en tant que députées. Malheureusement, le droit à l’avortement est constamment remis en cause au Canada, comme ailleurs dans le monde, par des groupes, mais aussi des politiciens pour qui les femmes ne sont pas libres de choisir.
«Le droit à l’avortement encore tabou» selon la ministre Martinez Ferrada
Par Jean Tremblay, Initiative de journalisme local
8 août 2024
Le 8 août 2024 marque le 35e anniversaire du jugement de la Cour Suprême du Canada dans le cas de Daigle c. Tremblay. Un jugement qui a marqué une grande victoire pour le droit des femmes de choisir au Canada de se faire avorter, grâce au travail et à la ténacité de Chantale Daigle, originaire de Chibougamau.

Anti-abortion group can sue activist after Ontario court rejects anti-SLAPP defence
Activist Brooke Dietrich went beyond mere ‘counter-speech’ when she made videos encouraging others to interfere with the group’s activities, the judge ruled
Joseph Brean
Aug 07, 2024
Ontario’s Court of Appeal has allowed a defamation suit to proceed against an abortion access activist, in a decision that sketches the limits of anti-SLAPP motions, a law that is meant to protect free speech against lawsuits that aim simply to overwhelm in time and expense.
The TikTokers Making ‘Get Ready With Me’ Videos of Their Abortions
Women are filming every detail of their medication abortions to reduce stigma about the procedure—an instinct doctors say is working.
By Morgan Sullivan
August 7, 2024
In June, 28-year-old Jessica from British Columbia, Canada, faced an unexpected reality: she was pregnant and wanted to get an abortion. She knew she wasn’t ready to become a mother and thought that maybe she could help other women facing the same choice. So, she turned to TikTok.
Over the next two weeks, Jessica uploaded 39 videos packed with educational content, walking her audience through the entire experience and offering a day-by-day breakdown of her journey with misoprostol and mifepristone, colloquially known as the abortion pill.

What can rescue the Canada Health Act?
August 7, 2024
By Tracy Glynn
The 40th anniversary of the Canada Health Act has scholars revisiting the legislation and suggesting ways to make health care more universal, accessible and comprehensive.
At the Canada Health Act at 40 Research Roundtable on June 20 at the University of Ottawa, panelists Y.Y. Chen, Martha Paynter and Marie Carpentier discussed how to address some of the shortcomings of the Canada Health Act.

Misleading late-term abortion claim circulated; Alberta government won’t comment
Timm Bruch, CTV News Calgary
Aug. 1, 2024
A popular, misleading claim about late-term abortions has made its way to the province.  In its latest handout, the group Prolife Alberta writes “late-term abortions are happening in Alberta, often resulting in fully born babies being left to die.”
The scary suggestion parrots a social conservative claim currently running rampant in Republican circles as the U.S. election heats up. But health professionals and medical ethicists call it intentionally misleading.

Witnesses storm out of House committee in tears, decrying Liberal politicization
MP tried to steer conversation away from domestic violence, toward abortion
Alessia Passafiume · The Canadian Press
Jul 31, 2024
Two witnesses stormed out of a parliamentary committee meeting today after Liberals tried to steer a planned discussion about violence against women towards the topic of abortion rights.
The rare summer hearing of the House of Commons status of women committee was organized so MPs could hear from advocates and a deputy chief of the Peel Regional Police.
En larmes, des témoins quittent un comité parlementaire, dénonçant la politisation
31 juillet 2024
Alessia Passafiume, La Presse Canadienne
(Ottawa) Une femme qui est sortie en larmes d’une réunion d’un comité parlementaire mercredi demande des excuses à une députée libérale qui a fait dérailler une discussion prévue sur la violence contre les femmes en faveur d’un débat sur le droit à l’avortement.
Cait Alexander s’était rendue sur la Colline du Parlement pour témoigner lors d’une rare audience estivale du Comité permanent de la condition féminine de la Chambre des communes lorsque la députée libérale Anita Vandenbeld l’aurait revictimisée en tant que survivante de violence familiale.
Continue :

‘The right to protest’: The legality of graphic abortion displays in Milton and beyond
Governments continue to grapple with regulations.
By Roland Cilliers
Friday, July 26, 2024
It was hard to miss the protest.
On the morning of July 23, a small group of young people set up at the Milton intersection of Main Street West and Ontario Street South. They had cameras strapped to their chests and held up two large billboards with what they say are the bloody results of an abortion.


It’s time originalism came to Canada
Originalism is a dirty word in Canadian legal discourse, but it can and should be leveraged to achieve progressive legal wins here in Canada. Allow me to explain why.
by Charlotte Dalwood
July 25, 2024
It stands for regressive politics and American-style neoliberal conservatism. It’s the legal equivalent of Reaganomics, and just as bad. It has no place in Canadian law, and that’s as it should be. At least, that’s the progressive party line.
But it gets quite a lot about originalism wrong.


‘They failed’: Abortion rights advocate scolds London council for handling of graphic images bylaw
Gerry Dewan, CTV News
July 24, 2024
London City Council has scrapped plans for a bylaw limiting the display of graphic images in public spaces. The proposed bylaw would have put limits on the size of signs and where signs could be displayed on public property.
It appeared to be heading to community consultation but was abruptly dropped by city council on Tuesday night.


Proposed bylaw to ban graphic anti-abortion posters morphs into general rules for all protest signs
Daryl Newcombe, CTV News London Reporter
July 12, 2024
A political push at London city hall to ban the display of graphic anti-abortion posters and other disturbing images has been revamped after threats of a court challenge.
Now Londoners on both sides of the abortion debate are unhappy with the draft bylaw.
Initially, the draft bylaw was intended to restrict the display of graphic images—including fetuses – in public spaces.

« Nous ne voulons pas que cela se répande comme une traînée de poudre », déclarent les fonctionnaires de Santé Canada à propos des cliniques privées qui facturent des frais non remboursables aux patients
JUILLET 11, 2024
Les fonctionnaires de Santé Canada chargés de veiller au respect de la Loi canadienne sur la santé par les provinces et les territoires s’inquiètent de l’augmentation des rapports faisant état de cliniques privées à but lucratif facturant aux patients des procédures couvertes par les régimes provinciaux d’assurance-maladie.

Access to abortion pill expanding beyond Alta.’s major cities, data shows
Mifegymiso is slowly changing the reproductive-rights landscape in Alberta, new data suggests.
Brett McKay
July 11, 2024
The abortion pill is slowly changing the reproductive health landscape in Alberta, new data suggests.
When Mifegymiso came on the market in Canada in 2017, advocates and medical professionals hoped the medication would expand reproductive health care in rural and remote communities. In the years that followed, however, severe access issues in Alberta persisted and many people choosing to end their pregnancy reported having to travel to Edmonton or Calgary to find a clinic willing to prescribe the medication.


Sask. doctor promises not to talk abortion or religion with patients in clinic
Dr. Terence Davids has promised not to speak about abortion or religion to patients in a clinic setting going forward.
Brandon Harder
Published Jul 09, 2024 
A Saskatoon doctor who allegedly counselled a patient against abortion and asked about her religious beliefs has promised to do neither of those things again in a clinic setting.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) brought a non-criminal charge of unprofessional conduct against Dr. Terence Davids in February.

Western researchers set their eyes on innovating contraceptive technology
Bailey Shakyaver
July 5, 2024
Researchers at Western University are working to change the contraceptive game as we know it.
What’s turned into an interdisciplinary research project started when chemistry professor Samantha Gateman noticed a gap in birth control options, “I had tried various hormonal contraceptives and had really bad experiences,” Gateman said. “I was looking for something long-term but non-hormonal. The only option available was the copper IUD, which previous research has shown has a whole sleeve of negative side effects.”

Air conditioning breakdown shows desperate need for renovations at Women’s Health Clinic, director says
Staff sent home, some appointments go virtual as Winnipeg clinic deals with sweltering heat in aging building
Ian Froese · CBC News
Jul 05, 2024
A lack of air conditioning for almost two weeks has forced the Women’s Health Clinic in Winnipeg to send staff home and reduce its in-person offerings to only medical care for patients — an issue that points to a need for significant investment in the clinic’s aging facility, its executive director says.
“It’s definitely sweaty,” Kemlin Nembhard said inside an office in the clinic, as she recalled the indoor temperature hitting 30 C after the air conditioning unit broke two weekends ago.


Angus McLaren Obituary

June 29, 2024
Globe & Mail
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Angus McLaren. He died peacefully, after a long struggle with Parkinson’s Disease. Professor Emeritus at the University of Victoria, Angus was a renowned historian of sexuality, reproduction, and gender.

Women’s strike in Fredericton marks overturning of Roe v. Wade
Protesters warn about far-right threats to bodily autonomy
by Dora Szemok 
June 28, 2024
On Monday, activists in Fredericton participated in a march from City Hall to the Legislative Assembly as part of a national women’s strike. The event marked the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States. Demonstrations were organized across Canada in solidarity with Americans striving to reclaim autonomy over their bodies.
“We are here to represent the rights of women and men because all of us have the right to our own bodies and our own expressions,” said Shelley Petit, chair of the NB Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, who organized the event.

Prises en otage politique
Marie Vastel
28 juin 2024
Dans l’arsenal d’armes politiques que fourbissent Joe Biden et Donald Trump dans l’arène de la présidentielle américaine, le droit à l’avortement n’est devenu qu’un autre enjeu clivant, brandi dans le simple et cynique objectif de galvaniser les troupes de chacun.
….L’avortement et le libre-choix reproductif ne sont heureusement pas sous pareille attaque au Canada. Ce qui ne les empêche toutefois pas d’être ici aussi récupérés comme arme partisane. …


Stories about marches/rallies in Canada on Jun 24, 2024

Fredericton NB: Women’s strike in Fredericton marks overturning of Roe v. Wade
London ON: Londoners march for reproductive rights on anniversary of U.S. overturning of Roe v. Wade
Hamilton ON: Women’s strike: Dozens march for women’s rights outside Hamilton City Hall
Vernon BC: Group takes to Vernon streets to mark second anniversary of overturning of Roe v. Wade
Sudbury ON: Women’s Strike in Sudbury held on anniversary of Roe vs. Wade being struck down
Nanaimo BC: Women strike outside Nanaimo Court House to bring awareness about women’s rights
Kelowna BC: ‘Women’s Strike’ in Kelowna marks anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal
Kitchener ON: Group gathers in Kitchener Park to mark second anniversary of overturning Roe v. Wade

Here’s why this Sudbury women’s right advocacy group is set to strike
Women’s Strike Sudbury is organizing a protest two years after Roe v. Wade was overturned
Rajpreet Sahota · CBC News
Jun 24, 2024
On the second year anniversary of the day the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, there will be a global movement across more than 30 cities, including an event in Sudbury.
…Women’s Strike Sudbury is organizing a strike to be held on June 24 at Bell Park. The event will be held from noon to 3 p.m. The organization was created just over two weeks ago by Mia Valliere and Annie Blodgett. Valliere says it was to fill a hole in the women’s movement in northern Ontario.

Access to MAID, abortions raises questions about the limits of B.C. faith-based health care
By Cassidy Mosconi & Amy Judd, Global News
June 20, 2024
(with 2:11 minute video)
Questions are being raised about the services provided or not provided by B.C.’s faith-based health-care facilities.
Hospitals such as St. Paul’s in Vancouver do not allow medical assistance in dying, or MAID, forcing patients at the end of their life to be moved to other facilities for the process. Catholic-affiliated hospitals also do not perform abortions or even offer contraceptives.


‘We do it because it’s the right thing to do’
Abortion care remains difficult to access in Newfoundland and Labrador, but providers are coming up with creative solutions
JUNE 20, 2024
It was on a cold and blustery afternoon last month. About 60 reproductive justice activists gathered outside the Confederation Building in St. John’s to defend reproductive rights.
The May 17 event was organised as a counter-rally to the annual March For Life held by anti-choice activists. But the March for Life protestors didn’t show up this year.


Kelowna – Counter-protesting anti-abortion demonstrations
JUNE 11, 2024
Video:  1:29 minutes
Anti-abortion demonstrations have happened near the Kelowna General Hospital for quite some time. Now, one Kelowna woman is standing on the other side of the sidewalk in support of pro-choice. Ben Low-On has more.


Ils militent contre l’avortement au Québec
La journaliste Pasquale Harrison-Julien
11 juin 2024
Video : 9:56 minutes
Le 1er juin, on a suivi des militants anti-avortement qui prenaient la route vers Québec pour participer à la toute première Marche pour la vie organisée dans la province. Parmi eux, plusieurs citoyens affiliés à des groupes religieux. Alors que certains sont totalement contre l’avortement, d’autres sont en faveur d’exceptions selon les circonstances, mais tous souhaitent qu’une place plus grande soit faite aux valeurs traditionnelles. Ils ont été nombreux à affirmer que l’annulation de Roe c. Wade aux États-Unis avait galvanisé le mouvement au Canada.


Symposium sur l’avortement : chercheuses et militants se réunissent à Fredericton
by Sophie M. Lavoie. Traduction : Jeff Bate Boerop
June 9, 2024
La semaine dernière, l’École de droit de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick a été la scène d’un important colloque sur l’avortement. Les participant.e.s, provenant des domaines de la recherche et de l’activisme politique, se sont réunis à Fredericton pour une discussion profonde et variée. Intitulée Abortion Pathways and Abortion Obstacles in the Maritimes [Voies et obstacles à l’avortement dans les Maritimes], le symposium a abordé des questions pertinentes sur l’accès à l’avortement dans les provinces maritimes.


L’accès à l’avortement est plus difficile dans certaines régions du pays
Publié le 8 juin 2024 par 98.5
Avec Élisabeth Crête
Podcast :  11:24 minutes
Journaliste à Rad, Pascale Harrison-Julien aborde la question de l’accès à l’avortement au Canada dans une série de balados intitulée «Avortement, un pays pas comme les autres».
Bien que l’avortement soit décriminalisé au Canada depuis 1988, Pascale Harrisson-Julien démontre que de nombreuses disparités régionales persistent en ce qui a trait à son accès.


When access to abortion was illegal in Canada
By Irwin Rapoport
JUNE 7. 2024
The fear of being drafted into the American Army and sent to fight in the Vietnam War was crystallized in the late 1960s film Alice’s Restaurant. It reflected the mindset of many Americans who lived on tenterhooks, worrying if they would receive the dreaded letter that could lead to their deaths in tropical jungles.
Caravan, which premiered in Montreal on May 25 at the Monument National, accurately captures what millions of Canadian women felt in the 1960s and early 1970s when abortion services were illegal and far too many women died as a result of illegal and botched underground abortions.


New Cause of Action in Manitoba Helps Abortion Patients and Providers Sue Those Who Undermine Safe Access to Abortion Services
Peter Mueller
June 5, 2024
The Safe Access to Abortion Services Act (or Bill 8) was given a final reading in the Manitoba Legislature in early June 2024.  Once it is proclaimed into law, Bill 8 will prohibit a variety of different conduct within designated “safe zones” created around locations where abortion services are provided and the personal residences of abortion providers.
Significantly, Bill 8 gives anyone who experiences a loss or injury because of another person’s breach of Bill 8 the right to bring a claim for damages in the Manitoba Court of King’s Bench.


Alberta MP felt ‘ambushed’ by Liberal MP’s podcast questions on abortion
By Stephanie Taylor  The Canadian Press
June 5, 2024
The Liberal MP who invited a Tory backbencher onto his podcast says he’s surprised the Conservative described feeling “ambushed” by queries about his long-standing and well-known opposition to abortion.
Nate Erskine-Smith says he’s less surprised, however, to see Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre distance himself from Alberta MP Arnold Viersen’s comments. “I think if he wants to win an election, views like that are anathema to most Canadians,” he told reporters Wednesday.

Le député libéral Nate Erskine-Smith surpris qu’Arnold Viersen se soit senti «piégé»
La Presse canadienne
Publié le 5 juin 2024
Le député libéral qui a invité un député conservateur dans son balado s’est dit surpris que son collègue se sente «piégé» par des questions sur son opposition de longue date et bien connue à l’avortement. 
Nate Erskine-Smith se dit toutefois moins surpris de voir le chef conservateur, Pierre Poilievre, se distancier des propos du député albertain Arnold Viersen.

BC-based free contraception advocates plead Senate to pass pharmacare bill
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024
By Curtis Blandy
On Monday, June 3rd, the House of Commons passed the third reading of the Liberals’ and New Democrats’ joint efforts on a free pharmacare bill, Bill C-64.  Now the bill moves on to the Senate for consideration.
If passed, this bill would allow for all women to access free contraception medications and devices. It would also allow those with diabetes to access free medication.


Le Canada «a réglé la question» de l’avortement, estime le juge en chef de la Cour suprême
de Boris Proulx
3 juin 2024
Aux yeux du juge en chef du plus haut tribunal du pays, Richard Wagner, la légalité de l’avortement est une question réglée au Canada, preuve étant faite qu’aucun gouvernement n’a souhaité l’encadrer dans une loi. « Il me semble que la société a réglé cette question-là il y a plusieurs années, lorsque la Cour suprême a déclaré inconstitutionnelles certaines dispositions du Code criminel qui faisaient de l’avortement une infraction », a expliqué le juge Wagner en point de presse lundi.


Abortion conference brings together scholars and activists in Fredericton
by Sophie M. Lavoie 
June 3, 2024
This week, Tobin LeBlanc Haley and Jula Hughes hosted an important symposium, ‘Abortion Pathways and Abortion Obstacles in the Maritimes,’ at the University of New Brunswick Law School.
Reproductive justice scholars and activists from across Canada gathered on May 27 to discuss various themes around abortion.
More than 20 bills become law as Manitoba spring legislature sitting ends
No-protest buffer zones to be established around abortion clinics
Steve Lambert · The Canadian Press
Jun 03, 2024
Manitoba politicians sat late into the night Monday to give final approval to more than 20 bills that covered topics ranging from criminal asset seizures to social assistance.
… Another new law will establish buffer zones around abortion clinics in which protests will not be allowed, similar to an existing law in British Columbia.


Un député conservateur contre le mariage gai recadré par Pierre Poilievre

3 juin 2024
Un député albertain du Parti conservateur du Canada (PPC) reconnu pour son opposition à l’avortement s’est aussi prononcé contre le mariage gai dans un balado animé par un député du gouvernement libéral.
«Je vote contre le mariage gai», a déclaré Arnold Viersen lors d’une discussion avec le libéral Nate Erskine-Smith sur la place laissée aux valeurs socioconservatrices au PPC, où l’essentiel de l’action politique du quotidien est axé sur les enjeux économiques.

Pierre Poilievre disagrees with Conservative MP who wants to vote against same-sex marriage
‘Same sex marriage is legal and it will remain legal when I am prime minister, full stop,’ Poilievre says
John Paul Tasker · CBC News
Jun 03, 2024
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says he disagrees with a member of his caucus who says he wants to see more restrictions on abortion and would vote against same-sex marriage if there’s a future bill on the issue in Parliament.
In an interview with Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, who hosts a podcast called Uncommons, Alberta Conservative MP Arnold Viersen also stressed his social conservative credentials on other issues, saying he wants protections for what he calls the “pre-born,” supports Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s transgender policies and would vote to criminalize cannabis possession again if given the opportunity.


Pro-choix et anti-choix manifestent à Québec
1 juin 2024
Magalie Masson, Raphaël Beaumont-Drouin, Le Téléjournal Québec
Dans une atmosphère parfois tendue, des centaines d’opposants au droit à l’avortement et de militantes en faveur de ce droit à ont manifesté simultanément dans les rues de Québec, samedi.
Les militants antiavortement s’étaient donné rendez-vous devant l’Assemblée nationale dans le cadre d’une première « marche pour la vie » dans la Capitale-Nationale. L’organisme derrière l’événement, Campagne Québec-Vie, veut limiter le droit des femmes d’avorter au pays.  
Manifestations sur l’avortement à Québec: confrontation entre les pro-choix et les pro-vie
Nicolas St-Pierre
1er juin 2024
Une importante confrontation citoyenne impliquant plusieurs centaines de personnes s’est déroulée ce midi devant l’Assemblée nationale à Québec sur la question de l’avortement alors qu’un regroupement de citoyens pro-choix est venu gâcher la marche d’un groupe pro-vie.
Organisée par Campagne Québec-Vie, la première édition de la Marche pour la vie a rassemblé des centaines de militants pro-vie aux abords de la fontaine de Tourny en matinée.  


Ma vie aurait été différente si je n’avais pas eu le libre choix
Soraya Martinez Ferrada
1 juin 2024
Il y a un peu plus de deux semaines, j’ai fait part d’une expérience très personnelle publiquement. C’était peut-être la première fois qu’une femme racontait son histoire d’avortement à la Chambre des communes du Canada.
Les réactions ont été rapides et intenses. J’ai reçu beaucoup de messages de sympathie, notamment de la part de nombreuses femmes qui m’ont dit merci.


Martine Biron et d’autres élus participeront à une contre-manifestation pro-choix

31 mai 2024
Hugo Pilon-Larose, La Presse
(Québec) La ministre de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, ainsi que des représentantes de Québec solidaire et du Parti québécois, participeront samedi à une contre-manifestation organisée par des groupes communautaires et des syndicats en riposte aux personnes qui se rassemblent sous la bannière « Marche pour la vie au Québec », qui est en fait un groupe antiavortement.

Les Canadiens et les Québécois inquiets pour le droit à l’avortement

Tirant de l’arrière par plus de 15 points dans les sondages, les libéraux fédéraux ont reçu un cadeau du ciel : une bonne controverse conservatrice liée à la question de l’avortement.
Philippe J. Fournier
30 mai 2024
En principe, le droit à l’avortement est une chose réglée dans l’esprit des Canadiens. Or, depuis l’annulation de l’arrêt Roe c. Wade (lequel garantissait le droit à l’avortement dans les 50 États américains) par la Cour suprême des États-Unis en juin 2022, les électeurs semblent plus à l’écoute des débats entourant les attaques contre ce droit de ce côté-ci de la frontière.
Un sondage récent de la maison Léger révèle qu’une majorité de Canadiens s’inquiètent des effets de la fin de la protection constitutionnelle du droit à l’avortement chez nos voisins. Quelque 60 % des répondants se disent préoccupés de l’accès aux services liés à l’interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG) au pays et la moitié des sondés (49 %) croient que la situation aux États-Unis pourrait avoir des répercussions sur le droit à l’avortement au Canada.


Combien ça coûte (pour vrai) un avortement au Québec?
Anne-Sophie Poiré
28 mai 2024
L’avortement est gratuit pour la plupart des gens au Québec, en théorie. Dans plusieurs régions pas si éloignées, l’accès à l’interruption de grossesse chirurgicale est très limité. Des femmes doivent parcourir des centaines de kilomètres pour chaque rendez-vous nécessaire, mais encore faut-il avoir les moyens de se déplacer. Quel est donc le coût réel de la procédure?
Au Québec, l’avortement chirurgical et la pilule abortive sont gratuits sur présentation d’une carte d’assurance maladie ou d’un certificat d’immigration valide. L’intervention est également couverte par le programme fédéral de santé intérimaire pour les réfugiées.


‘We’re focused on fairness’: Federal government to cover the costs of contraception, diabetes medications
Melanie Price, CTV News Atlantic
May 24, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Truro, N.S., Friday to announce the federal government will cover the costs of contraception and diabetes medications for Canadians. The move is part of the first phase of a national pharmacare plan, which the government introduced in February.


Would a Poilievre government really threaten abortion rights?
The Big Story podcast: 25 minutes        
May 23, 2024
In today’s The Big Story podcast, Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre has promised to use the notwithstanding clause to enact criminal justice reform if elected. Liberals have pointed to this as an indication that Conservatives could use it for other things, including restricting abortion.
How much of this is political posturing from either side? How huge of a precedent would using the notwithstanding clause this way represent? If a Conservative government went down this path, would access to abortion really be at risk? And what could the Liberals do now if they believed that to be the case?


Liberals should look beyond abortion when attacking Conservatives
Pierre Poilievre knows any attempt to restrict women’s access to abortion would lead to the CPC facing an electoral wipeout.
By Craig Wallace
Thursday, May 23, 2024
In Canada a federal election must be held by October 2025. If current polling remains unchanged Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), will be our next prime minister. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party of Canada are now resorting to desperate claims trying to destroy Poilievre and the CPC.


Liberals fearmonger over abortion rights that Poilievre won’t touch
A woman’s right to choose in a Conservative-led Canada won’t be any different from today, no matter what Gender Equality Minister Marci Ien says
Michael Taube
Published May 22, 2024 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are in desperation mode. They’re down by double digits in opinion polls to Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives — and, in some recent surveys, by 20 points or more.
Many Canadians are clearly fed up with the prime minister’s mediocre and ineffective leadership. Every tactic this unpopular government has taken to stop the political bleeding has failed miserably, and the latest one could very well be the most desperate measure of them all.


Trudeau government not planning to legislate further protection for abortion rights, health minister says
May 21, 2024
By Tonda MacCharles, Ottawa Bureau Chief
OTTAWA — Despite warning of looming threats to abortion rights in Canada, the Trudeau government does not plan to enshrine legislative protections of a woman’s right to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy, says Health Minister Mark Holland.
Although the 2021 Liberal platform promised regulations to ensure accessibility to “publicly available sexual and reproductive health services,” Holland said his priority is to work with the provinces, which are responsible for health care, so that abortion services are expanded.


How most Canadians feel about abortion, according to a poll
Alessia Passafiume, The Canadian Press
May 17, 2024
OTTAWA – Eight in 10 Canadians back a woman’s right to an abortion and two in three don’t want the notwithstanding clause used to restrict access to abortions, a new poll suggests.
The Leger survey also suggests support has diminished significantly since the fall for the idea of a province using the notwithstanding clause to ban discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools(opens in a new tab).


La majorité des Canadiens appuient l’avortement, selon un sondage
Alessia Passafiume, La Presse Canadienne

17 mai 2024
OTTAWA — Huit Canadiens sur dix – dont près de neuf Québécois sur dix – soutiennent le droit des femmes à l’avortement et deux sur trois ne veulent pas que la disposition de dérogation soit utilisée pour restreindre l’accès à ce service, selon un nouveau sondage.
Le sondage de la firme Léger suggère également que le soutien à l’idée qu’une province utilise la disposition de dérogation pour interdire les discussions sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre dans les écoles a considérablement diminué depuis l’automne.

Trudeau blasts N.B. premier over gender-identity policy, abortion access
Prime minister says Premier Blaine Higgs risks making vulnerable kids even more vulnerable
Sam Farley · CBC News
May 16, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took aim at New Brunswick’s controversial gender-identity policy on Thursday, accusing Premier Blame Higgs of putting politics before the interests of vulnerable schoolchildren.

Les conservateurs du N.-B. sont une «honte» pour les droits des femmes, dit Trudeau
Fournis par La Presse Canadienne
16 may 2024
CARAQUET, N.-B. — Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau a attaqué jeudi le premier ministre du Nouveau-Brunswick et d’autres dirigeants conservateurs du pays, dénonçant la position du gouvernement provincial sur l’avortement, les jeunes des communautés LGBTQ et le changement climatique.


Abortion activists concerned after UCP MLA Dan Williams speaks at pro-life rally
Brittany Ekelund, Chelan Skulski, CTV News Edmonton
May 12, 2024
Abortion activists are raising concerns after multiple United Conservative Party MLAs attended a pro-life rally at the Alberta legislature Thursday.
Among them was Alberta’s Mental Health and Addictions Minister Dan Williams, who shared his pro-life stance with abortion with protesters.  Williams has attended similar rallies since being elected, defending his decision to do so as a private member of the legislature.


Conservatives amplify anti-choice rhetoric in the House of Commons
Conservatives continue to present petitions and legislation attacking the right to have access to safe abortion procedures.
by Nick Seebruch
May 10, 2024
On Tuesday, May 7, Arnold Viersen, Conservative MP for Peace River-Westlock, AB, introduced a petition into the House of Commons calling for greater protection for the “preborn.”
Such protections would create barriers for women and gender-diverse people seeking to receive abortions, a procedure that is protected under the Canada Health Act.

Trudeau cabinet minister tells her raw personal story in the House of Commons, on the same day two Conservative MPs attend anti-abortion rally
Federal cabinet minister Soraya Martinez Ferrada was determined to put a human face — hers — on a political story that was fiercely argued in the abstract this week, inside and outside Parliament.

Trudeau cabinet minister tells her raw personal story in the House of Commons, on the same day two Conservative MPs attend anti-abortion rally

Federal cabinet minister Soraya Martinez Ferrada was determined to put a human face — hers — on a political story that was fiercely argued in the abstract this week, inside and outside Parliament.
May 9, 2024
OTTAWA — Federal cabinet minister Soraya Martinez Ferrada was determined to put a human face — hers — on a political story that was fiercely argued in the abstract this week, inside and outside Parliament.
The tourism minister stood in the House of Commons during question period and told MPs she had an abortion at age 18, after she discovered she was pregnant shortly after arriving back in Chile — a country her parents had fled years earlier as political refugees of the Pinochet regime.


Une ministre libérale raconte avoir dû avorter à 18 ans
10 mai 2024
Alors qu’une foule beaucoup plus modeste que les années précédentes défilait dans les rues d’Ottawa pour exiger d’interdire l’avortement au Canada, la ministre montréalaise Soraya Martinez Ferrada a dévoilé devant le Parlement avoir interrompu une grossesse non désirée dans sa jeunesse.
« À 18 ans, lorsque j’étais retournée au Chili, je réalisais être enceinte, sans droits et sans choix », a partagé la ministre du Tourisme devant ses collègues en Chambre jeudi.


Avortement : « Est-ce que ça fait de moi une criminelle? » se confie une ministre
La ministre libérale Soraya Martinez Ferrada s’est confiée publiquement à la Chambre des communes au sujet de l’avortement qu’elle a vécu à 18 ans.
Valérie Gamache
10 mai 2024
C’était une confession plutôt inhabituelle dans un décor comme celui de la Chambre des communes, à Ottawa. En pleine période des questions, la ministre libérale Soraya Martinez Ferrada s’est levée jeudi pour confier avoir subi un avortement à l’âge de 18 ans.
Sa déclaration a été suivie d’une vague d’applaudissements de ses collègues libéraux et de démonstrations de soutien d’élus bloquistes et néo-démocrates. Elle a toutefois laissé de glace les députés conservateurs.  


B.C. Conservative leader pledges not to ‘reopen the abortion debate’
By Simon Little , Global News
May 10, 2024
The leader of the Conservative Party of BC is pledging not to “reopen the abortion debate” after one of his MLAs appeared to suggest motherhood begins at conception.
Abbotsford South MLA Bruce Banman made the comments in the legislative assembly Tuesday.


Debate on abortion rights erupts on Parliament Hill, Poilievre vows he won’t legislate
Rachel Aiello, Senior Digital Parliamentary Reporter
 May 9, 2024
A Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre would not legislate on, nor use the notwithstanding clause, on abortion, his office says.
Facing political pressure to clarify his stance as anti-abortion protesters gather on Parliament Hill for an annual rally, Poilievre spokesperson Sebastian Skamski denied suggestions from the federal Liberals and New Democrats that the federal Conservatives were leaving the door open on the issue.


Could notwithstanding clause be used on abortion? Poilievre’s office says ‘never’
By David Baxter  Global News
May 9, 2024
As an annual anti-abortion rally prepares to gather on Parliament Hill, Liberal and Conservatives have been trading political barbs over whether abortion access could face attempts to curtail it. …
Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth Marci Ien on Wednesday suggested Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre could use the notwithstanding clause to remove abortion rights in Canada, citing his vow to use the controversial clause for bail reform.


Could Canadian anti-trans policies foreshadow abortion rights rollbacks?
Pro-life campaigns are already connecting the dots between Alberta premier Danielle Smith’s anti-trans policies and their own agendas
By Xtra Video
May 8, 2024
This week, Conservative MP Arnold Viersen introduced a petition in the House of Commons related to reconsidering abortion rights in Canada. And while the petition itself likely won’t lead to any direct policy changes, it’s not entirely disconnected from the recent wave of anti-trans policy across Canada.
That’s because the anti-trans and anti-abortion movements have a lot more in common than you might think, and it’s not just how dangerously anti-science they are. Just look to pro-life campaigns already weaponizing Alberta premier Danielle Smith’s anti-trans policies for their own agenda.:


Dr. Nikki Colodny’s journey from psychotherapy to civil disobedience
Dr. Nikki Colodny took part in the fight to ensure access to safe abortions in Canada in the 1980s. This is the story of how she became involved with the movement and eventually decided to violate Canada’s abortion law.
by Meghan Tibbits-Lamirande
May 7, 2024
At 8:45 a.m. on September 24, 1986, Toronto police knocked on the window of Dr. Nikki Colodny’s vehicle and placed her under arrest. Taking just a moment to pack her knitting and her Holly Near cassette tape, Dr. Colodny went quietly to the courthouse where she was charged, alongside her colleagues Dr. Henry Morgentaler and Dr. Robert Scott, for conspiracy to commit a miscarriage.


Un acte « odieux et barbare », lance le juge
Louis-Samuel Perron, La Presse
6 mai 2024
Un avortement « clandestin » pratiqué par un pseudo-médecin. Avec des brochettes de barbecue. À Montréal. En 2024. C’est le supplice qu’a vécu une demandeuse d’asile, sous le joug d’un conjoint qui menaçait de la « découper en morceaux ». Ce préposé aux bénéficiaires dans un CHSLD restera détenu jusqu’à la fin de son procès.


Un nouvel outil pour mieux connaître ses options en termes d’avortement
LE 4 MAI 2024
Une étudiante de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique a récemment développé et mis en ligne It’s My Choice, un nouvel outil conçu pour aider les gens à naviguer parmi les options d’avortement disponibles.
La chroniqueuse spécialisée en santé sexuelle, Tess Vanderhaeghe, discute de cette plateforme et de la situation actuelle de l’avortement dans la province et au pays.


UBC student develops website to help Canadians choose the right type of abortion
Apr 29, 2024
Deciding to have an abortion is a deeply personal choice, and so is what comes next: determining the type of abortion that’s best for you. UBC PhD student Kate Wahl wants to help Canadians navigate that decision. She’s developed It’s My Choice, Canada’s first interactive website aimed at helping people identify the abortion option that best fits their values and circumstances.


Anti-Abortion/Pro-Life bus advertisement running on the side of Hamilton buses
by Joey Coleman
April 23, 2024
The City of Hamilton has conceded it lacked legal grounds to reject an advertising purchase by the Association for Reformed Political Action Canada (APRA) to run a pro-life/anti-abortion ad on the side of the city’s public transit buses.
The advertisement includes an ultrasound image of a late-term fetus in the womb alongside three images: a young woman and two girls. The City of Hamilton initially banned the ad, stating it was misleading because the use of the “her” pronoun implied the fetus was a person under the law.

TCDSB trustees reject motion to fly anti-abortion flag at schools
By Michelle Mackey
April 23, 2024
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) trustees have resoundingly rejected a motion that had called for the anti-abortion flag to be flown at every school for the month of May.
The motion was brought forward by trustee Michael Del Grande, who also wanted the board to encourage staff and students to take part in next month’s “March for Life” in Ottawa and for anti-abortion teachings be given to those who could not attend.
Il restera toujours la question de l’accès
De l’autre côté de l’océan, la France a inscrit dans sa constitution la liberté de recourir à l’avortement le 4 mars dernier.
Publié le 18 avril
Ophélie Doireau, LA LIBERTÉ
C’est le premier pays à inscrire explicitement ce droit dans sa constitution. Au Canada, sans être une loi, l’avortement est décriminalisé depuis 1988. Cependant, la véritable question se trouve dans l’accessibilité de cette procédure médicale.
Au Canada, c’est l’arrêt R. c. Morgentaler rendu par la Cour suprême le 18 janvier 1988 qui a permis de décriminaliser l’avortement. Après cela, quelques gouvernements ont tenté d’introduire des lois pour l’interdire de nouveau, tous infructueux.


Saanich councillor wins award in Ottawa for B.C.’s free contraception campaign
Coun. Teale Phelps Bondaroff and Devon Black won the Jack Layton Progress Prize award for AccessBC
Mark Page
Apr 16, 2024
A group founded by a Saanich councillor and a local sexual health advocate is being recognized at the national level for the work done by the organization to bring free prescription contraception to B.C.
Coun. Teale Phelps Bondaroff and AccessBC co-founder Devon Black were jointly awarded the Jack Layton Progress Prize at the Broadbent Institute’s summit in Ottawa held last week between April 10 and 12 for the organization’s successful campaign.


Health Advocate Applauds Federal Budget 2024 in providing costing on a National Pharmacare Plan; a milestone in universal free access to contraceptives
OTTAWA, April 16, 2024 – The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) applauds the federal government’s announcement of $1.5 billion in funding over five years to support the launch of the National Pharmacare Plan which will include universal access to contraceptives in Budget 2024. By removing the financial barriers to all contraceptives options, nine million women in Canada will soon have the tools to better control their futures and as a result, improve economic prosperity for the country.
This represents a generational shift when it comes to women’s health care in Canada. Access to contraception is not only a matter of reproductive rights but also a fundamental aspect of public health and equity.


Toronto’s Catholic board is being urged to fly the ‘pro-life’ flag at every school in May. Trustees are at odds over it
A motion that also encourages staff and students to participate in an annual anti-abortion march in Ottawa will be debated at a meeting this month.
April 10, 2024
By Isabel Teotonio, Education Reporter
Toronto’s Catholic board is being called on to fly the “international pro-life flag” outside its schools during the month of May. It is also being asked to encourage staff and students to participate in next month’s annual anti-abortion march in Ottawa.


Ipas DRC and Canada partner for sustainable access to reproductive health care in the Democratic Republic of Congo
HABYGAELLE MUZIE, Communications Advisor
APRIL 15, 2024
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): …in an effort to promote the bodily autonomy of women and girls, Ipas DRC and World Affairs Canada have been working together for the past 5 years to expand access to information on SRHR and to safe abortion care. Covering North Kivu, South Kivu, Haut Katanga, Tanganyika and Kinshasa, this project aims to improve women’s ability to make safe reproductive choices that support their educational and professional goals, thus contributing to greater gender equality in the DRC.


‘Our lord and saviour’: Saskatoon doctor allegedly tried to talk patient out of abortion for religious reasons
Rory MacLean
April 4, 2024
A Saskatoon doctor is facing disciplinary charges for allegedly counselling a patient against getting an abortion for moral and religious reasons. Dr. Terence Davids was charged with unprofessional conduct in relation to an incident around Dec. 14, 2023 at the Bridge City Mediclinic on 8th Street.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan says Davids was meeting with a patient for a preoperative assessment to terminate her pregnancy when he allegedly pleaded with her to reconsider, saying “I think you should reconsider” and “you will regret this and you can’t take it back.”

Online registry that connects Nova Scotians to sexual health care scrambling after losing funding
Health Canada gave SUGAR Health $500K for website, support line in November, but funding wasn’t renewed
Cassidy Chisholm · CBC News
Apr 03, 2024
An online registry and support line that helps Nova Scotians access sexual, gender and reproductive health care is facing an uncertain future after its funding from Health Canada ran out last month.
Sexual Health Nova Scotia launched its SUGAR Health website in Nov. 2023, after receiving just over $500,000 from Health Canada’s Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Fund in the spring.
The registry was the first of its kind in Nova Scotia, providing an online portal to help people navigate and access health services like sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, cervical screening, gender-affirming care and abortion care.

Editorial: Graphic anti-abortion imagery should be regulated
Western Gazette Editorial Board
Apr 2, 2024
Picture this: you’re walking to campus, and you lock eyes with graphic abortion imagery.
Not such a great way to start your day.
On March 5, London City Council voted to draft a bylaw that would ban the display of graphic anti-abortion imagery in public spaces. If passed, it would be the first bylaw of its kind passed in Ontario — and it’s probably for the best.

Right to Life appeals city denial of abortion pill ‘reversal’ ads
City refused the ads over concerns about accuracy, the provision of allegedly unsupported medical advice
Richard Vivian
April 1, 2024
Pointing to potentially defamatory falsehoods and more, city officials denied a pair of Guelph and Area Right to Life bus advertisements last year, prompting an appeal set to be heard later this month.
The ads in question promote an abortion pill “reversal” process.

Canada has announced free contraception for women. What’s the situation in Australia?
Reproductive experts and sexual health advocates are calling for a similar change in Australia.

1 April 2024
by Gavin Butler
Canada will soon cover the full cost of common contraceptives for women, including intrauterine devices. Contraceptives aren’t free anywhere in Australia, and only some states have removed the need for GP prescriptions. Experts and advocates are calling for changes to make contraceptives more universally accessible.

Chrystia Freeland stops by Toronto pharmacy to highlight drug coverage for diabetes and contraceptives in upcoming budget
Brooklyn Connolly, Journalist
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Saturday that a federal plan that will cover most prescription contraceptives and diabetes medicine in Canada will be rolled out soon.
The Pharmacare Act was tabled last month. The first phase of its rollout will be included in the upcoming 2024 budget, Freeland said Saturday in an appearance at a Toronto pharmacy to highlight the plan.

Defend abortion rights
CBA President John Stefaniuk writes to the prime minister to inform him of a recent resolution protecting and realizing abortion rights in Canada.
27 MAR. 2024
The President of the Canadian Bar Association, John Stefaniuk, K.C., marked International Women’s Day by sending a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to inform him of a recent resolution adopted by CBA members on protecting and realizing abortion rights in Canada.

Graphic anti-abortion images will now have to be covered up in Burlington
By Steve Pecar
March 21, 2024
Burlington is cracking down on the way graphic material is distributed across the city. A new bylaw will require those distributing the graphic or disturbing material to enclose the images in an envelope or other covering.
The move comes in response to regular public complaints about flyers and newsletters turning up in mailboxes from anti-abortion groups that show images of aborted fetuses.

London city council moves to regulate graphic anti-abortion imagery in public amid debates
Gabriella McKenna, Western Gazette (Western U, London)
Mar 21, 2024
London City Council voted on March 5 to draft a bylaw that, if passed, will ban the display of graphic anti-abortion imagery in public spaces, amid ongoing debate over whether this violates free speech rights.
Groups like the Viewer Discretion Legislation Coalition, a local organization founded to counter graphic anti-abortion protests, have championed the motion — which was passed to protect the well-being of women and girls in London.

Manitoba PCs say bill banning anti-abortion protests near clinics should be expanded
Ban should apply for all protests, including picket lines, Opposition says
The Canadian Press
Mar 20, 2024
Manitoba’s Opposition Progressive Conservatives say a government plan to ban anti-abortion protests near some health-care facilities should be expanded to cover more areas and all protests, including picket lines. Tory health critic Kathleen Cook said Wednesday she plans to move an amendment to a bill the NDP government has put before the legislature.

Teen pregnancy raises risk of death in early adulthood, Ontario study suggests
By Camille Bains, The Canadian Press
March 14, 2024
Women who were pregnant as teenagers are more likely to die before age 31 compared to those who had no teen pregnancies, suggests an Ontario study that calls for more programs to support vulnerable youth and their children.

ROSE Clinic runs out of funds for its compassionate contraception program
Clinic co-director concerned about gap between pharmacare announcement and start of coverage
CBC News
Mar 10, 2024
A reproductive care clinic in Halifax is asking for donations after running out for funds for its free compassionate contraception program.
For years, the Reproductive Options and Services (ROSE) Clinic’s program at the QEII Health Sciences Centre has offered IUDs and other methods of contraception for free to those who can’t afford them.

‘We don’t sit down, we don’t sit back’: N.B. women say pay equity, abortion rights, poverty their focus this International Women’s Day
Laura Brown, CTV News
March 8, 2024
Shouting and displaying messages of frustration, over 100 people marched through downtown Fredericton Friday afternoon to mark International Women’s Day.
The group included pay equity, abortion rights and poverty groups, who say the day is a chance to remind decision-makers what still needs to be done to make the playing field equal.

It’s past time to let Ontario pharmacists prescribe contraception
Certain groups in our society face extra barriers to accessing contraception, and allowing pharmacists to prescribe birth control can help address them.
Madison Hogg
Published Mar 08, 2024 
Across the province, there is a shortage of family doctors. As of January, 2.3 million Ontarians did not have access to a family physician, a number that is predicted to increase to 4.4 million by 2026. The shortage has resulted in pharmacists taking on more responsibility for many direct prescriptions to people. This new role should include prescriptions for contraceptives.

Et si l’avortement redevenait illégal?
Le droit à l’avortement ne doit pas être tenu pour acquis, démontrent deux autrices dans une pièce de théâtre sur le sujet.
Julie Tremblay
8 mars 2024
Il faut suivre le protocole. Aucun nom. Des chiffres et des lettres pour vous désigner. Des lieux qui changent constamment pour échapper aux autorités. De l’équipement médical de fortune. C’est dans de telles conditions que se font les avortements dans les sociétés où ils sont illégaux. Et si cette interdiction se rendait jusqu’au Québec? C’est ce qu’ont imaginé Marie-Claude St-Laurent et Marie-Ève Milot dans la pièce de théâtre Clandestines, qu’elles considèrent comme un « appel à la vigilance ».

Avortement : le Manitoba veut mettre des zones tampons près des cliniques et hôpitaux
7 mars  2024
Le gouvernement du Manitoba a introduit jeudi en Chambre une loi pour interdire les manifestations à proximité des cliniques et hôpitaux où des avortements sont pratiqués.
LaLoi sur l’accès sécuritaire aux services d’interruption volontaire de grossesse (Nouvelle fenêtre), introduite par la ministre responsable de la Condition féminine Nahanni Fontaine, créerait des zones tampons à l’intérieur desquelles les manifestations seraient interdites. Outre les cliniques et les hôpitaux, cela inclurait aussi les résidences des médecins et du personnel pratiquant ce type d’intervention.

Manitoba introduces law to create protest-free zones near abortion clinics
People seeking abortion services deserve privacy and safety, families minister says
The Canadian Press
Mar 07, 2024
The Manitoba government plans to restrict protests near clinics and hospitals where abortions are performed, as well as at the homes of abortion providers.
The NDP government introduced a bill Thursday that, if passed, would create “buffer zones” of 50 metres to 150 metres around related health facilities and staff homes. Several provinces, including Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec, already have similar laws in place.

What can a Sask. doctor who objects to an abortion tell a patient?
The oversight body for doctors in Saskatchewan alleges Dr. Terence Davids crossed the line with comments he made in December 2023.
Brandon Harder
Mar 06, 2024 
In areas where medicine intersects with personal values, where is the line when it comes to what a physician can say to a patient?
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS), the professional body that licences and oversees doctors in the province, recently alleged that one doctor crossed the line.

Avant la béatification
Jean-François Lisée (L’auteur est chroniqueur. Il a dirigé le PQ de 2016 à 2018.)
6 mars 2024
… La principale tache qui devrait apparaître au passif de Brian Mulroney concerne les droits des femmes. Deux fois il a tenté de recriminaliser l’avortement. S’il a échoué, c’est bien malgré lui.
En campagne, Mulroney s’était déclaré contre « l’avortement sur demande ». Il était élu depuis quatre ans lorsque la Cour suprême, dans la cause Morgentaler en janvier 1988, affirma sans détour que « forcer une femme, sous la menace d’une sanction criminelle, à mener le foetus à terme, à moins qu’elle ne remplisse certains critères indépendants de ses propres priorités et aspirations, est une ingérence profonde à l’égard de son corps et donc une atteinte à la sécurité de sa personne ».

By-law to ban public display of graphic anti-abortion posters returned to city staff for revisions
Daryl Newcombe, CTV News London Reporter
March 5, 2024
A political push at London City Hall to forbid the public display of graphic imagery will take more time. On Tuesday, council debated if Civic Administration should continue working on a by-law amendment to prohibit posters of fetuses from being shown along roadways and in other public spaces.

(Sudbury) GOVA Transit advertising standards updated in wake of controversy
Tyler Clarke
March 5, 2024
An anti-abortion transit bus advertisement that caused a local outcry three years ago would likely be rejected under what appears to be a new set of standards for the city’s transit service.
The city came under fire in 2021 for an advertisement seen on the side of a GOVA Transit bus featuring the image of an infant and the words, “Take my hand, not my life…” paid for by the Sudbury Right to Life organization.

France adds abortion rights to the constitution. Could it happen in Canada?
France’s upgrading of abortion rights is a bold political message in a world that is increasingly veering to the far right.
By Allan Woods, Staff Reporter
Monday, March 4, 2024
PARIS—However linked the two countries’ histories, however shared their values, it is difficult to imagine Canada following in France’s footsteps to enshrine the right to abortion in the Constitution.
French lawmakers did that Monday in a historic vote at Château de Versailles that puts the ability to end a pregnancy right up there with the country’s famous motto: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.”

Health minister says he hopes some provinces will have pharmacare plan in place by end of 2024
Alberta, Quebec have already said they will look to opt out of new program
Christian Paas-Lang · CBC News
Mar 03, 2024
Federal Health Minister Mark Holland says he hopes some provinces will be able to have the government’s new pharmacare plan in place by the end of the year. In an interview on Rosemary Barton Live that aired Sunday, Holland said that during his conversations with provincial colleagues, some had expressed major enthusiasm for the program unveiled this week that would cover diabetes medication and contraception.

Brian Mulroney did more harm than good
Brian Mulroney’s legacy is defined by more than his opposition to apartheid and combating acid rain. His policy positions often represented an attack on the rights of women.
by Judy Rebick,
March 1, 2024
When someone dies, everyone has praise for them. There is no question that Brian Mulroney had a major impact on Canada but in almost every case it was for the worse. I was President of the National Action Committee (NAC) on the Status of Women when Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister. I like to think we were his nemesis. We fought him on free trade, abortion, constitutional change, and Indigenous rights among other issues.
What none of the tributes mention is that Mulroney tried to re-criminalize abortion.

Stand with her on International Women’s Day
Meghrig Milkon
March 1, 2024
As we near International Women’s Day on March 8, it’s important to take a moment to consider the impact activism for women’s rights has had—and to emphasize its ongoing necessity.
In Canada, many groups have long advocated the rights of women. From the suffrage movement to groups like the Disabled Women’s Network Canada (DAWN), the Canadian Association for the Repeal of the Abortion Law (1974) to the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (2005), there has been persistent pressure to empower women with autonomy and agency over their bodies.

Ottawa unveils national pharmacare plan that covers diabetes, contraception to start
Federal government says it plans to implement universal, single-payer coverage for other medications in future
John Paul Tasker · CBC News
Feb 29, 2024
Health Minister Mark Holland released the long-awaited details of the federal government’s pharmacare plan on Thursday, with a commitment to cover some diabetes treatments and contraception. If the bill, C-64, passes Parliament, Holland will begin negotiating with the provinces and territories on a Funding commitment that would cover the cost of providing these medications to people for free.

Alberta intends to opt out of national pharmacare plan
By Carolyn Kury de Castillo  Global News
February 25, 2024
The NDP has reached a deal with the Liberal government to introduce the first piece of a national pharmacare program that includes coverage for birth control and diabetes medication but it appears Alberta does not intend to be part of the agreement.
It’s a critical piece of the supply-and-confidence agreement between the two parties and comes ahead of a March 1 deadline to table legislation. Some final details may still be worked out but the Alberta government says it plans to opt out.

Why access to free prescription contraception is a crucial component of a national pharmacare program for Canada
February 25, 2024
Melina Albanese
A new federal pharmacare legislation agreement, reportedly reached between the Liberal government and the NDP, is an important opportunity to give all Canadians access to effective contraception.
Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh advocated for providing free prescription contraception for all Canadians under the Canada Pharmacare Act. On Feb. 23, he announced that a pharmacare agreement had been reached that included coverage for several types of prescription contraception, including birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and emergency contraception.

Deal on pharmacare bill has been reached with Liberals ahead of March deadline, NDP says
The legislation is a critical piece of the supply-and-confidence pact between the two parties, in which the NDP agreed to support the Liberals on key votes in the Commons
The Canadian Press
Mickey Djuric, Laura Osman and Mia Rabson
Feb 23, 2024
The federal Liberals and New Democrats have reached a deal that would allow every Canadian with a health card to access free diabetes medication and birth control, the NDP confirmed Friday. The coverage is to be included in the first piece of a national pharmacare program, with legislation expected to be introduced in the House of Commons next week.

YCDSB high school students left shocked after graphic anti-abortion presentation
Students speak out after ‘disturbing’ anti-abortion assembly
by Tina Yazdani and Meredith Bond
February 22, 2024
A disturbing and graphic anti-abortion assembly at a Keswick, Ont. high school has left students shaken and looking for answers.
Grade 11 and 12 students at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Academy say they were exposed to shocking and offensive anti-abortion material at an assembly they were forced to attend on Wednesday.

Why Alabama’s ruling that embryos are children could fuel anti-abortion movement in Canada
Decision also ‘chilling’ for people seeking IVF, says Canada Research Chair
Natalie Stechyson · CBC News
Feb 22, 2024
A decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law has some reproductive rights advocates and fertility law experts in Canada concerned about a potential ripple effect.
The worry isn’t necessarily that a decision like the one in Alabama, that was issued in wrongful death cases brought by couples who had frozen embryos destroyed in an accident, could happen here.

Birth control pills recalled; Health Canada warns inaccurate dosage possible
Dorcas Marfo, Journalist
Feb. 21, 2024
Audrina 28 birth control pills are being recalled due to labelling issues that can lead to dosage confusion, according to Health Canada. The health department said the day-of-the-week stickers are misprinted, listing Tuesday instead of Thursday.

Debate to ban graphic anti-abortion signs in London might be delayed until summer
London’s proposed bad on anti-abortion signs in public places has been sent back to the drawing board.
Daryl Newcombe, CTV News London Reporter
Feb. 20, 2024
A political push at city hall to forbid the display of graphic anti-abortion signs(opens in a new tab) in public spaces might be headed back to the drawing board.
On Tuesday, the Community and Protective Services (CAPS) Committee went behind closed doors for over an hour to receive legal advice about a draft amendment to the Streets By-law.

L’avortement, sera-t-il un jour interdit au Canada?
Dimanche, 18 février 2024
Ce titre paraît dur, mais il est pourtant réaliste. Ce titre fait peur, avec raison. Ce titre choque, je l’espère.
L’avortement, procédure peu envahissante ne tue pas, elle sauve des vies. Il s’agit d’un soin de santé. Le seul choix auquel font faces les femmes ne voulant pas mener à terme leur grossesse est l’auto-avortement.

NDP close to presenting ‘final offer’ on pharmacare: Singh
By David Baxter  Global News
February 16, 2024
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says his party is getting close to giving the Liberals their final offer on a single-payer pharmacare plan as the negotiation deadline quickly approaches.
“We’re getting very close to a final position, and when we submit our final position on this, that will be it,” Singh told reporters at a press conference in Coquitlam, B.C., on Friday.

Jagmeet Singh confirms NDP wants national contraception coverage
NDP is still pushing for single-payer pharmacare
David Thurton · CBC News
Feb 16, 2024
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh confirmed for the first time Friday that New Democrats are pushing the federal government to fund contraception coverage.
The NDP leader was in British Columbia, where the province’s NDP government already funds birth control and other forms of contraception through a single-payer model.

Declarations of feminism must encompass pro-choice rhetoric
FEBRUARY 16, 2024
Publicly prioritizing the agency of a clump of cells over that of a grown person is nothing short of shameful.
There’s been a long line of women at The Journal who’ve built this paper up and emphasized the critical need for abortion. Two recent Journal Editors have detailed their personal experiences accessing abortion care. Another Editor’s reporting shed light on crisis pregnancy centres that seek to manipulate young pregnant individuals into giving birth under the guise of support.

London to consider banning graphic anti-abortion posters from public view
Daryl Newcombe, CTV News London Reporter
Feb. 14, 2024
Posters of aborted fetuses displayed along London, Ont. streets have sparked counter-protests and confrontations, but soon city council will consider banning the public display of certain graphic images.
…“Shut down this harm that these people are causing,” said Deanna Ronson, a board member with Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada. “It is definitely a citywide issue that needs to be addressed to prevent further harm.”

Obituary: Blodwen Piercy was a pioneering physicist, feminist and activist
Dr. Henry Morgentaler, who led the abortion rights movement in Canada, once asked, “What would we do without Blodwen?”
Andrew Duffy
Feb 09, 2024 
When she cleaned out her family’s Ottawa home of 65 years, Jocelyn Piercy gathered 50 boxes of notes, pamphlets, letters, speeches and board minutes – all of them a product of the activist life of her formidable mother.

Right-wing extremism is connected to being anti-choice – but we can win on abortion rights
As we see the growing restriction of abortion in the US, it is important that we remain vigilant of a growing anti-choice movement on the right.
by Joyce Arthur,
February 8, 2024
Canada has done well without any abortion law or restrictions since 1988, leaving abortion care under the same medical regulations as other healthcare. Indeed, abortion care follows the same pattern around the world regardless of law – people who want abortions have them as early as possible, while a small number of later abortions will always be needed for compelling social or medical reasons. Laws trying to regulate abortion are redundant and restrictions are harmful.

Regret Rates Unchanged Despite Contraceptive Advancements: Canadian Study
A recent Canadian study finds that about 16% of patients who underwent permanent contraception procedures experience regret, a rate consistent with data from the 1980s and 1990s. The findings underscore the importance of comprehensive counseling on all available contraceptive options.
Sakchi Khandelwal
08 Feb 2024
A recent study conducted by researchers from Queen’s University and the Huron Perth Health Alliance has shed light on the persistent issue of regret among Canadian patients who have undergone permanent contraception procedures. The research reveals that approximately 16% of patients who underwent tubal ligation or bilateral salpingectomy, forms of permanent contraception, experience regret. This rate is consistent with data from the 1980s and 1990s, indicating that despite increased contraceptive options, the regret rates have remained stable.

CTV Calgary slammed over coverage of questionable anti-abortion poll

The poll – excoriated as unethical and methodologically unsound – purported to show a majority of Albertans think minors seeking abortions should be required to tell their parents.
by David J. Climenhaga,
February 8, 2024
Sooner or later, every news organization gets sucked in by a questionable story.
Best practice suggests the appropriate way to deal with this is to admit everything as soon as you realize what happened, say you’re really, really sorry, and then try extra hard thereafter to ensure it never happens again.

Alberta parental rights ‘push poll’ full of ‘red flags,’ connections to anti-abortion groups
By Adam Toy, Global News
February 7, 2024
A single-question telephone survey that caught some Albertans by surprise is being questioned for its motives, its method and its timing. On Feb. 1, thousands of Albertans received an interactive voice response (IVR) call asking about parents’ rights over the decision of abortion.

Forced-birth activists make absolute fools of CTV Calgary in polling debacle
Duncan Kinney, Progress Report
February 06, 2024
If you’re wondering who sent you that push-poll on abortion and ‘parental rights’ this week, corporate records have the answer: Alberta Blue Strategies, through their subsidiary, ‘National Public Research Canada.’ Alberta Blue Strategies is a conservative voter contact firm and call center run by Richard Dur.
Dur is also identified as the executive director of the Pro-Life Alberta Political Association of Alberta in this 2023 CBC profile. PAPA is not a political party so much as a vehicle to get juicy tax deductions for anti-abortion campaigners. They don’t really operate as a political party—they run a single candidate in provincial elections, their leader is a ghost and they encourage their members to participate in the UCP.

N.B. medical groups call for greater abortion access following Clinic 554 closure
By Silas Brown  Global News
February 5, 2024
Some medical groups are calling on the provincial government to expand access to surgical abortions following the closure of Clinic 554.
Dr. Amanda Black, the president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, says that it’s unacceptable to leave large swaths of the province without local access to surgical abortion procedures. “It shouldn’t depend on what part of the country you live in, all individuals in Canada should have access to certain levels of reproductive care,” she said.

Farquhar: Don’t take abortion rights in Canada for granted
None of us thought we would see the United States legally allow women to die because they cannot access a medical service
Ruth Farquhar, Columnist
Feb 05, 2024 
Every day I read or hear about another woman who is attempting to obtain an abortion in the United States and cannot get one. It doesn’t matter if their lives would be in danger to carry the pregnancy to term or that the baby will not be viable or the woman is pregnant from a sexual assault or incest. If the woman has resources, she might be able to leave her home state and travel to find access but unfortunately, not everyone can do that.

Things have to change: New Brunswick can no longer ignore its responsibility with regards to abortion access
by Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick.
February 2, 2024
Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick (RFNB) is devastated to learn of the definitive closure of Fredericton’s Clinic 554. Yesterday, outside the New Brunswick Legislature, Dr. Adrian Edgar announced that, due to the doubling of the clinic’s rent and the lack of public funding, his team would no longer be able to provide abortion services, effective immediately. In addition to an entire region being denied access to essential health care, this event highlights the current government’s misogynistic and classist legislation.

L’accès à l’avortement encore un peu plus difficile pour les femmes du Nord-Ouest
La fermeture de la Clinique 554, à Fredericton, laisse les Néo-Brunswickoises avec une option en moins.
Publié 2 février 2024
L’accès à l’avortement dans le nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick est devenu encore un peu plus difficile, jeudi, avec la fermeture de la seule clinique privée de la province qui offrait ce service.
Les femmes d’Edmundston, par exemple, doivent faire au moins cinq ou six heures de route, au minimum, pour se rendre à l’Hôpital régional Chaleur, à Bathurst, puis rentrer chez elles, souligne Geneviève L. Latour, présidente du Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Mysterious robocall survey polling Albertans on parental consent for abortions
Mark Villani and Brendan Ellis, CTV News
Feb. 2, 2024
A mysterious phone survey is making the rounds in Alberta, asking residents if minors should need parental consent to get an abortion — but it’s not clear who initiated the campaign. Many Albertans started receiving the call on Thursday night.

Trudeau fails women and gender-diverse people as Fredericton’s only abortion clinic closes for good
February 1st, 2024
NDP Critic for Women and Gender Equality, Families, Children and Social Development, and Deputy Critic for Housing MP Leah Gazan (Winnipeg Centre) made the following statement in reaction to Fredericton abortion clinic, Clinic 554, announcing its closure:
“All women and gender-diverse people, no matter where they live in Canada, have a right to access safe, trauma-informed abortion care. Now, people in Fredericton do not have a single provider for abortion due to the Liberal’s failure to enforce the Canada Health Act. …”

La seule clinique privée au N.-B. à pratiquer des avortements chirurgicaux ferme

Réal Fradette
le 31 janvier 2024
La Clinique 554 de Fredericton, seule clinique privée du Nouveau-Brunswick à pratiquer des avortements chirurgicaux, ferme ses portes à compter de jeudi.
Trente-six ans après la décriminalisation de l’avortement au pays, la clinique n’a plus les moyens de pratiquer d’interruption chirurgicale de grossesse, a fait savoir son directeur médical, le Dr Adrian Eoin Edgar, dans un point de presse à l’entrée de l’Assemblée législative à Fredericton, mercredi.

La seule clinique privée qui pratique des avortements ferme ses portes
Publié le 31 janvier
Hina Alam, La Presse Canadienne
(Fredericton) La clinique d’avortement privée de Fredericton dit avoir finalement fermé ses portes, invoquant une forte augmentation des loyers et un manque de financement du gouvernement provincial.
Un avis sur le site Web de la Clinique 554 indique que les soins d’avortement ont pris fin mercredi. Son directeur médical, le Dr Adrian Edgar, a déclaré qu’il ne pouvait plus payer le loyer, car la province ne finance pas les avortements pratiqués en dehors de l’hôpital.

New Brunswick’s only private abortion provider announces it is closing its doors
By Hina Alam, The Canadian Press
January 31, 2024
A private abortion clinic in Fredericton says it has finally shut its doors, citing a steep rent increase and a lack of funding from the provincial government.
A notice on Clinic 554’s website says abortion care ended as of Wednesday. Its medical director, Dr. Adrian Edgar, said he could no longer afford the rent because the province does not fund abortions performed outside the hospital. The final straw was a doubling of the clinic’s rent set to take effect Thursday, he said in an interview.

Clinic 554 to close, bringing clinic-based abortions to end in Fredericton area
Dr. Adrian Edgar says pro-bono work, increased rent costs are forcing immediate closure of clinic
Aidan Cox · CBC News
Jan 31, 2024
A Fredericton clinic that provides surgical abortions will be closing its doors after Wednesday, with its medical director blaming an unwillingness by the provincial government to allow the procedure to be covered by Medicare.
Dr. Adrian Edgar … said the clinic, which has been operating one day a week, will now close completely because of the continuing financial strain from providing the procedure free of charge, and a rent increase at Brunswick Street building that houses the clinic.

Droit à l’avortement : Québec finance quatre organismes pro-choix
Félix Morrissette-Beaulieu
29 janvier 2024
Déterminé à protéger le droit à l’avortement, le gouvernement du Québec octroie 1,4 million de dollars à des organismes pro-choix. Les organismes visés par l’aide financière sont SOS Grossesse, SOS Grossesse Estrie, Grossesse-Secours inc. et la Fédération du Québec pour le planning des naissances.

It’s time for OHIP to cover all forms of prescription contraception
OPINION: The move makes sense financially. But it’s also simply the right thing to do
Written by Chantal Braganza
Jan 29, 2024
Last March, Jennie Stevens, the NDP MPP for St. Catharines, tabled a motion in the legislature to open up OHIP coverage to all forms of prescription contraception. The timing seemed right: British Columbia was slated to become the first province to offer universal birth control, in April, and the Manitoba NDP made it part of their election campaign later that month. Seemingly every national organization invested in reproductive health, from the Canadian Paediatric Society to Action Canada to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecolgists, had been calling for similar policies for some time.

Alberta doctors call for action on women’s health in new awareness campaign
Group launches website with key recommendations for governments
Jennifer Lee | CBC News
Monday, January 29, 2024
A new public awareness campaign, launched by Alberta doctors, calls on the provincial and federal governments to prioritize women’s health. The medical staff associations for all five health zones, representing 4,700 physicians across the province, are behind the campaign and website,

(Anti-choice article that makes us look good)
One woman crusade has outsized influence on federal government
BY  ANNA FARROW, Catholic Register
January 23, 2024
Joyce Arthur and her Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) convinced the Trudeau government to kick pro-life organizations out of the Canada Summer Jobs program seven years ago.
Now, the British Columbia atheist-humanist is pressing to open MAiD eligibility further — and do away with “paternalistic, unethical” faith-based health care.

Canadians’ Attitudes Toward Abortion
A review and synthesis of evidence based literature
Jessica Pratezina and Jessica Ball
January 12, 2024
… What do Canadians Think and Feel about Abortion?
Most Canadians (56%)   want abortion to be safe and legal. At the same time, Canadians’ attitudes towards abortion are more complicated than can be captured in opinion polls. These complex attitudes impact not only whether people are able to choose abortion, but also what their experience will be like if and when they do.

Make employers against assisted suicide ineligible for job program: Advocate
Kevin Connor
Jan 16, 2024 
Employers against assisted suicide shouldn’t qualify for Canada Summer Jobs funding, an advocate has written to MPs. The submission to the Commons human resources committee came from a group that was successful in lobbying for the denial of funding to pro-life employers, Blacklock’s has reported.

Wait times for IUDs expected to drop after province increases doctors’ compensation
The wait list at one Vancouver clinic ballooned to more than 2,000 people
Michelle Morton · CBC News
Jan 12, 2024
Doctors in B.C. who provide contraception care are breathing a sigh of relief after the province agreed to increase billable fees for IUD insertion in an effort to encourage more physicians to provide the service. Wait times for women looking to get an appointment for IUD insertion spiked last year after the province announced free prescribed birth control.

Opinion: Free birth control would benefit Alberta’s health care, economy
Manpreet Gill
Jan 08, 2024 
On Nov. 27, the UCP voted against the following motion, “Be it resolved that the legislative assembly urge the government to consider taking the necessary steps to provide universal access to free prescription contraception, including oral hormone pills, contraceptive injections, copper and hormonal intrauterine devices, subdermal implants, and emergency contraception known as Plan B.”

Opinion: No-cost contraception faces barriers of wellness influencers and social conservatives in Alberta
Calgary Herald
Jan 03, 2024 
In recent months, universal contraception coverage has become a hot topic, with political parties in multiple provinces and territories calling for it, and British Columbia and Manitoba putting it into action. The Ontario and Alberta governments voted down opposition motions on no-cost contraception, despite public opinion polling showing 74 per cent of Albertans want prescription birth control coverage for all.

Ontario faces pressure to make contraception free for those over 25
LAURA STONE, Globe & Mail
Jan 2, 2024
Zoe Lazaris has had brain injuries and suffers from migraines, which used to leave her bedridden for days. But then she discovered that taking hormonal birth controls pills worked wonders to reduce her headaches. “It’s improved my quality of life a lot. I don’t have to stay at home for a full day as often as I used to, when I was just taken out by a migraine,” the 22-year-old recent university graduate said.

Pourquoi le Canada alerte ses citoyens sur les risques liés aux voyages aux États-Unis
24 decembre 2023
Et l’histoire inédite derrière le communiqué de voyage est encore plus révélatrice, révélant la danse délicate d’un gouvernement canadien de centre-gauche alors qu’il cherchait à naviguer dans la politique culturelle incendiaire de l’Amérique sans mettre en péril les alliances les plus étroites.

‘They will be refused care’: Inside an American ally’s decision to warn citizens about the US
Abortion rulings and anti-LGBTQ+ laws in the States moved Ottawa to alert Canadians about travel risks.
Dec 24, 2023
OTTAWA — It was a polite Canadian warning from a close friend and neighbor. But Canada’s updated travel advisory to its citizens, counseling them to be careful about traveling to the United States, set off an international furor last summer.

Birth Control Is Free in B.C. When Will There Be National Coverage?
We asked Dr. Wendy Norman, whose research helped bring about the policy, to explain where we’re at
Diane Chambers
Dec. 20, 2023
Wendy Norman is a professor in the Department of Family Practice, and an associate member in both the School of Population and Public Health, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC).
She founded and leads Canada’s Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART), whose impactful research, starting in 2017, laid the groundwork for free contraception in B.C. “We’ve been immensely honored as university-based researchers and with a consortium of healthcare providers to help the government understand what people need to be able to have children when they want, and to be able to best support their own desires for when they’d like to have children,” she says.

Artist of the Month: Rachel Cairns’ Intimate & Intelligent Exploration of Abortion in ‘Hypothetical Baby’
DECEMBER 15, 2023
On Christmas Eve in 2019, Rachel Cairns had an abortion. Four years later, the writer and actress is performing her one-woman stage show, Hypothetical Baby… “I actually had a lot of feelings about my abortion that I didn’t allow myself to have,” Rachel tells me in our chat, prior to the show’s current run at Tarragon Theatre. “I felt a lot of sadness and anger and regret that at 31, as somebody who wants kids, I couldn’t be like, Yeah, I’m able to do this.”

Searching for solutions
Rachel Cairns frankly addresses gaps in Canadian abortion care in her new play
December 13, 2023
Dominique Gené
“How do I get an abortion?” an anxious woman asks the doctor. He responds with his own questions about her relationship status, her income and her decision to not have a child. This interaction isn’t fictitious; it’s the opening scene of Rachel Cairns’s podcast “Aborsh” and her upcoming autobiographical play, Hypothetical Baby.

Tens of thousands of B.C. residents took advantage of free contraceptives in past 8 months
By Liza Yuzda and Negin Nia and John Ackermann
December 8, 2023
In the eight months since B.C. started offering free contraception and letting pharmacists treat minor ailments, the province says many have taken advantage of the programs. North Vancouver NDP MLA Susie Chant, who is also a nurse, says between April 1 and Nov. 28, 2023, more than 188,000 people received free contraceptives.

Tens of thousands of B.C. residents received free contraception in eight months, Eby says
Canadian Press
December 8, 2023
About 188,000 people have received free prescription contraception since British Columbia became the first province to offer them in April. The province says in the first eight months of the program, about 123,000 people have received free pill contraceptives, while 30,000 got intrauterine devices — or IUDs — without cost. About 37,000 people received emergency contraceptives through the program.

Biron renonce à sa loi sur l’avortement et se concentre sur les problèmes d’accès
Marie-Michèle Sioui, à Québec
8 decembre 2023
Faisant face à de vives critiques, la ministre responsable de la Condition féminine, Martine Biron, a renoncé à déposer cet automne une loi pour « protéger » le droit à l’avortement. Elle travaille désormais sur un plan visant à améliorer l’accès à ces services, à la satisfaction du Barreau du Québec et des groupes de femmes.

Résistances nécessaires
Aurélie Lanctôt
8 décembre 2023
Il y a parfois de curieuses résonances entre le présent et la mémoire des luttes passées. Mercredi, la chaîne Noovo diffusait L’affaire Chantal Daigle, un documentaire retraçant le parcours de la jeune femme qui s’est retrouvée, à l’été 1989, au coeur de cette saga judiciaire ayant écrit l’histoire des libertés reproductives des femmes au Canada. Jusqu’ici réservé aux abonnés de Crave, le documentaire sera disponible en ligne jusqu’au 5 janvier sur le site de Noovo.

Decriminalizing Abortion: A Journey Towards Access and Equity
Dec 6, 2023
Written by Clare Szalay Timbo, Executive Director at The SexEd Justice Project, and Andrea Rodriguez, Policy and Advocacy Officer at Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the country’s abortion law as unconstitutional, asserting that it violated women’s Charter rights to the security of the person. Since then, abortion has been removed from the Criminal Code and is treated and regulated as a medical procedure. Canada stands out globally as one of only a few countries without specific legal restrictions on abortion.

Graphic anti-abortion signs have no place in London, city politicians say
Politicians want to beef up a bylaw that limits how anti-abortion flyers are delivered to homes
Matthew Trevithick · CBC News
Dec 05, 2023
A bylaw regulating the graphic anti-abortion signs got unanimous support from city politicians Tuesday, and city staff say they’re already working on creating rules that would limit such displays. Such work has already been underway for more than a year, with a report expected in early 2024.

London by-law banning graphic anti-abortion signs from public spaces considered in early 2024
Daryl Newcombe, CTV News London Reporter
Dec. 5, 2023
A motion by a pair of first-term councillors doubles down on work already nearing completion by city staff. On Tuesday, the Community and Protective Services Committee considered a motion by Coun. Hadleigh McAlister and Coun. Sam Trosow that aims to update the Streets By-law to forbid the display of graphic images in public spaces, including sidewalks.

Turns out, Ottawa’s much-touted stillbirth leave only covers 3 days
Legislation gives eight weeks off in federally regulated industries, but it would be mostly unpaid. Not nearly good enough, one advocate says
Glen McGregor,  Special to National Post
Dec 05, 2023 
OTTAWA — The Liberal government is promising paid leave to help workers recover from a lost pregnancy, but details in the legislation reveal the new benefit would pay wages for only the first three days of a maximum eight weeks off.

‘Women’s rights’ language a cover for anti-trans and anti-woman attacks in Canada
December 4, 2023
BY DAVE MCKEE, Peoples World
TORONTO—As if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s milquetoast version of “feminism” were not enough, Conservative Party politicians all over Canada are now starting to use the language of women’s rights. Whereas Trudeau’s feminism is opportunistic and aimed at garnering progressive votes, the Conservatives’ adoption is far more cynical, as they are using it solely to create division and hammer away at trans rights.

Central Alberta man took teenage daughter for abortion after impregnating her
Kevin Martin
Dec 04, 2023 
Suicide threats were used by a central Alberta man to force his teenage daughter to maintain a years-long sexual relationship with him, court heard Monday. And Crown prosecutor Kaitlyn Perrin said the unprotected intercourse the offender had with his daughter resulted in her getting pregnant at 15, after which he took her to get an abortion.

Alberta government’s decision to not offer free birth control shortsighted, advocate says
By Tomasia DaSilva, Global News
November 28, 2023
A women’s health and reproductive rights advocate is denouncing a decision by the Alberta government to vote down a motion brought forward by the provincial NDP to offer free, prescription contraceptives.

NDP proposes plan to launch free contraception program for Ontario residents
The cost for contraception in Ontario can be about $400
Arfa Rana · CBC News
Nov 27, 2023
For some Ontario women over 25 years old, getting contraception is unaffordable.
OHIP covers birth control for women under 25 years old as long as they aren’t covered by a private plan, while women above the age range have to pay out-of-pocket.

My abortion was the only way I could look after myself and my young son

Nov 27, 2023
As I sat alone in my bedroom with the lights off this Mother’s Day, my seven-year-old son watched cartoons in the next room, and I silently fought back my tears. I buried my face into the pillow, inhaling deeply and internally reciting the current events that made up my life for the last 11 weeks.

Could prescription contraception be free in Ontario? Ford government signals willingness
By Isaac Callan & Colin D’Mello, Global News
November 23, 2023
The Ford government has signalled it is open to supporting an opposition plan that would cover contraception for free under the province’s health insurance.

Ontario NDP hopes Doug Ford government will support free birth control
Katherine DeClerq, CTV News
Nov. 23, 2023
The Ontario NDP is hoping the Doug Ford government will support a motion to provide coverage for birth control under OHIP. The motion was first introduced on International Women’s Day in March and hopes to cover oral hormone pills, contraceptive injections, copper and hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs), subdermal implants, and Plan B.

La contraception sur ordonnance sera gratuite au Manitoba
22 novembre 2023
Le gouvernement provincial a annoncé mardi que la contraception sera bientôt gratuite pour toute personne au Manitoba qui a une ordonnance médicale. L’annonce a été faite lors du discours du Trône et cela concrétise une des promesses électorales du NPD.

Women’s health advocates applaud Manitoba’s plan to subsidize prescription birth control
NDP promised universal coverage of select contraceptives during election campaign
CBC News
Nov 22, 2023
Birth control will soon become free for all Manitobans with a prescription, the province announced Tuesday. The announcement, made during Premier Wab Kinew’s Tuesday throne speech, makes good on an election promise the NDP campaigned on. The party previously pegged the cost to implement the universal coverage of select contraceptives at $11 million per year.

New abortion debate emerges in N.B. — on how best to improve access
2 groups diverge on interpretations of wait times, strategies
Jacques Poitras · CBC News
Nov 21, 2023
There’s a new debate emerging about abortion in New Brunswick — between groups who support access but have different approaches on how to pursue that goal.

(Behind paywall)
Is there a wait for abortions in N.B.? Authority numbers questioned
Adam Huras, Telegraph Journal
Nov 16, 2023 
In a letter to Bruce Fitch and interim Horizon CEO Margaret Melanson, provided to Brunswick News, Clinic 554 director Adrian Edgar contends health officials are blind to patients that can’t reach the limited abortion services that are being provided.

Les régies de santé du N.-B. nient avoir de longs délais d’attente pour l’avortement
16 novembre 2023
Au Nouveau-Brunswick, les réseaux Vitalité et Horizon nient avoir des délais d’attente de plusieurs semaines pour avoir accès à un avortement chirurgical dans les trois hôpitaux de la province qui offrent ce service. Les deux régies de santé de la province assurent que des rendez-vous peuvent être programmés dans les huit à dix jours suivant la demande.

N.B. health authorities dispute claims of long abortion wait times
Hospitals say they can schedule appointments within 8-10 days, not 2-4 weeks
Jacques Poitras · CBC News
Nov 16, 2023
New Brunswick’s two health authorities are disputing the suggestion that patients seeking surgical abortions have to wait several weeks to have the procedure at the three hospitals offering the service.

N.B. minister defends funding private cataract surgery clinics, refusing abortion clinics
Minister says hospital abortions are accessible, but clinic manager says that’s not the case
Jacques Poitras · CBC News
Nov 15, 2023
The Higgs government says there’s no contradiction between its funding of cataract surgeries in private clinics outside hospitals and its refusal to pay for surgical abortions in clinics.

Un rapport fédéral recommande l’accès aux avortements dans les cliniques au N.-B.
15 novembre 2023
Une étude commandée par le fédéral sur l’accès à l’avortement chirurgical au Nouveau-Brunswick recommande que la province autorise les médecins à pratiquer la procédure dans des cliniques communautaires.

Nathaniel Veltman trial: What the jury didn’t hear
Jane Sims
Nov 15, 2023 
Murder was on Nathaniel Veltman’s mind long before he crashed his souped-up pickup truck into a London Muslim family in June 2021.
Muslims weren’t his target then. It was abortion doctors.

Allow surgical abortions in N.B. clinics, federal report says
Study says Ottawa lacks ‘straightforward’ authority to force province to improve access
Jacques Poitras · CBC News
Nov 14, 2023
A highly anticipated research study on surgical abortion access in New Brunswick recommends the province allow doctors to perform the procedure in community clinics as a way of eliminating barriers to the procedure.

Thousands in B.C. getting free contraception, providing ‘hope for reproductive justice’
Anna McMillan, CTV News
Nov. 8, 2023
Roughly 166,000 people in B.C. didn’t pay a dime for their prescription contraception between April 1 and Sept. 30. Health ministry data obtained by CTV News shows the majority of people using B.C.’s free prescription contraception program are in their 20s.

Ces 40 députés fédéraux sont contre l’avortement
Article de Beatriz Rose
7 novembre 2023
Alors que la restriction potentielle du droit à l’avortement cause des vagues du côté de nos voisins américains, les Canadiens se repenchent aussi sur la question. Récemment, Justin Trudeau déclarait vouloir s’assurer que les droits des femmes soient toujours respectés, et ce, peu importe le gouvernement au pouvoir.

Hamilton councillors look to conceal ‘triggering’ anti-abortion flyers
City staff would look at requiring the flyers be put in envelopes with trigger warnings
Samantha Beattie · CBC News
Nov 05, 2023
In an effort to protect Hamilton residents from experiencing “severe harm” when they discover graphic images of aborted fetuses in their mailbox, councillors are calling for new city regulations.

B.C. community paper that refused to publish anti-abortion ad wins human rights case
Lisa Steacy, CTVNews
Nov. 3, 2023
The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has dismissed a complaint that a community newspaper’s refusal to run anti-abortion ads amounted to discrimination based on religion.

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